Server started; please wait for map to refresh.
Salome has connected.
Mechalomaniac: Ok this one has no fog of war. Just plop down Salome somewhere.
Salome: Uhh... hang on. Not sure how to do that.
Mechalomaniac: Oh uhh
Salome: I don't seem to have Salome's token anywhere.
Mechalomaniac: Nevermind. I forgot I made one
Mechalomaniac: Yeah I changed it for your new picture
Mechalomaniac: Anyway at the top pick Window and make sure the Selected option is checked
Salome: It is now.
Mechalomaniac: Ok, click on Selected to the left to bring up the window tab if it isn't already, then click on Salome's token
Yuu Inohara has connected.
Mechalomaniac: YOU AREN'T GO
Salome: Finding no tokens.
Yuu Inohara:
Mechalomaniac: Oh uhh
Mechalomaniac: Alondra World Map at the bottom
Mechalomaniac: Sorry I thought it defaulted to that one
Salome: Ok.
Yuu Inohara is disconnected.
Mechalomaniac: It should say no Macros
Salome: Yes
Mechalomaniac: Ok, now copy that text of the macro from that site
Mechalomaniac: Like not manually. CTRL+C it
Salome: ok
Mechalomaniac: Right click where it says no macros and hit "Add New Macro"
Mechalomaniac: And a button that says new should pop up
Salome: There's 2, yeah.
Mechalomaniac: Ok right click one of them and choose edit
Mechalomaniac: then in the command box, hit CTRL+V to paste the macro you copied, then hit ok
Mechalomaniac: and brb, cooking hot dogs
Salome: ok
Mechalomaniac: Ok back. Anyway if you did that, click the one you edited
Melee Basic • Standard • Weapon
A basic melee attack
Attack = 1 vs. AC       Rolled: 1     Bonuses: 0
Damage = 2   Physical       Rolled: 2     Bonuses: 0
Salome: That happened.
Mechalomaniac: Ok! Next step is to right click it again and under Label, name it your Melee Basic Attack
Salome: ok
Unresolved value "Otherstuffhere".
Unresolved value "Otherstuffhere".
java.lang.NullPointerException error executing expression .
Mechalomaniac: Ok the next thing is the top few lines are what you edit to base it off your stats.
Mechalomaniac: So if you change Name = "Melee Basic" to something else it'll be reflected in the macro. Same with the description, action type and so on
Mechalomaniac: The catch is, if something is in " " you have to keep it there or it'll mess the macro up
Salome: And I have to do this 9 times at least. =_= Awesome!
Mechalomaniac: Yep, but once it's done it's done
Mechalomaniac: Though I realize I messed one thing up slightly. Or rather that site did
Salome: Hm?
Mechalomaniac: That one didn't have a place to put the effects of the attacks. I went ahead and fixed that though
Mechalomaniac: She should have a second one now labeled At Will so you can edit that for things with Hit effects
Mechalomaniac: (I just copied one off Christina)
Mechalomaniac: Anyway if you want to do more attacks, right click one of the existing macros and choose Duplicate
Mechalomaniac: And then edit the copy
Salome: What's on the At Will macro?
Mechalomaniac: I just copied Holy Strike from Christina but you can edit the stuff for your own at-will attacks
Mechalomaniac: The main difference is uhh
Ardent Strike • Standard • Divine, Weapon
You attack your enemy and make it the focus of your god's anger.
Attack = 9 vs. AC       Rolled: 1     Bonuses: 8
Damage = 8   Physical       Rolled: 4     Bonuses: 4
Hit: The enemy is marked by you and takes 3 + your Charisma modifier (+2) radiant damage the first time each round it makes an attack that doesn't include you. When charging you can use this power in place of a melee basic attack.  
Mechalomaniac: It has a thing for Hit:
Salome: Ah.
Ardent Strike • Standard • Divine, Weapon
You attack your enemy and make it the focus of your god's anger.
Attack = 23 vs. AC       Rolled: 15     Bonuses: 8
Damage = 12   Physical       Rolled: 8     Bonuses: 4
Hit: The enemy is marked by you and takes 3 + your Charisma modifier (+2) radiant damage the first time each round it makes an attack that doesn't include you. When charging you can use this power in place of a melee basic attack.  
Mechalomaniac: So you can use it for whatever your At-Wills are
Melee Basic • Standard • Weapon
A basic melee attack
Attack = 12 vs. AC       Rolled: 12     Bonuses: 0
Damage = 1   Physical       Rolled: 1     Bonuses: 0
Salome: For bonuses do I need just the number, or a +#?
Mechalomaniac: Just number unless it's negative
Mechalomaniac: Which you probably won't have
Melee Basic • Standard • Weapon
A basic melee attack
Attack = 18 vs. AC       Rolled: 14     Bonuses: 4
Damage = 2   Physical       Rolled: 2     Bonuses: 0
Salome: There it goes.
Melee Basic • Standard • Weapon
A basic melee attack
Attack = 7 vs. AC       Rolled: 3     Bonuses: 4
Damage = 3   Physical       Rolled: 2     Bonuses: 1
Salome: Do you bother to put powers that are non-attacks in?
Mechalomaniac: I do, but you don't have to
Mechalomaniac: IT's also a different macro template though like uhh
Christina DeMarsey:
Heroic Effort • Minor • Humes are Awesome
You call upon your furious nature to improve your odds of harming your foe.
Effect: If you miss with an attack or fail a saving throw, you gain a +4 racial bonus to the attack roll or the saving throw
Mechalomaniac: ^ It's simpler since there's no rolling.
Salome: Ah.
Mechalomaniac: If you want I can copy one like that for you to edit too
Salome: Well I have things like Shadow Step which is just like.. You teleport 3 squares. I'm not sure if I really need a macro for that.
Mechalomaniac: You don't need one, but you can have one if you want to make it more noticeable that you're using it
Mechalomaniac: I added it under her as Utility
Salome: Thanks.
Mechalomaniac: But yeah as you're doing attacks just duplicate them and change the Label
Executioner's Noose • Standard • Force, Implement, Shadow
You gather shadows into the form of a noose, cast it around your foe's neck, and pull.
Attack = 15 vs. AC       Rolled: 11     Bonuses: 4
Salome: That... didn't come out right.
Executioner's Noose • Standard • Force, Implement, Shadow
You gather shadows into the form of a noose, cast it around your foe's neck, and pull.
Attack = 12 vs. AC       Rolled: 8     Bonuses: 4
Salome: Why is it only showing that much?
Mechalomaniac: Sec
Executioner's Noose • Standard • Force, Implement, Shadow
You gather shadows into the form of a noose, cast it around your foe's neck, and pull.
Attack = 23 vs. AC       Rolled: 19     Bonuses: 4
Executioner's Noose • Standard • Force, Implement, Shadow
You gather shadows into the form of a noose, cast it around your foe's neck, and pull.
Attack = 8 vs. AC       Rolled: 4     Bonuses: 4
Mechalomaniac: Oh I think it's my fault
Salome: ?
Mechalomaniac: Try now
Executioner's Noose • Standard • Force, Implement, Shadow
You gather shadows into the form of a noose, cast it around your foe's neck, and pull.
Attack = 7 vs. AC       Rolled: 3     Bonuses: 4
Mechalomaniac: The bottom half of the script got cutoff somehow.
Christina DeMarsey:
Ardent Strike • Standard • Divine, Weapon
You attack your enemy and make it the focus of your god's anger.
Attack = 25 vs. AC       Rolled: 17     Bonuses: 8
Damage = 9   Physical       Rolled: 5     Bonuses: 4
Hit: The enemy is marked by you and takes 3 + your Charisma modifier (+2) radiant damage the first time each round it makes an attack that doesn't include you. When charging you can use this power in place of a melee basic attack.  
Executioner's Noose • Standard • Force, Implement, Shadow
You gather shadows into the form of a noose, cast it around your foe's neck, and pull.
Attack = 6 vs. AC       Rolled: 2     Bonuses: 4
Executioner's Noose • Standard • Force, Implement, Shadow
You gather shadows into the form of a noose, cast it around your foe's neck, and pull.
Attack = 16 vs. AC       Rolled: 12     Bonuses: 4
Damage = 9   Physical       Rolled: 5     Bonuses: 4
Hit: Pull the target 2 squares. The target is slowed until the end of your next turn.  
Mechalomaniac: Reclick on the token
Salome: Ok
Mechalomaniac: Now try
Executioner's Noose • Standard • Force, Implement, Shadow
You gather shadows into the form of a noose, cast it around your foe's neck, and pull.
Attack = 12 vs. AC       Rolled: 8     Bonuses: 4
Damage = 7   Physical       Rolled: 3     Bonuses: 4
Hit: Pull the target 2 squares. The target is slowed until the end of your next turn.  
Executioner's Noose • Standard • Force, Implement, Shadow
You gather shadows into the form of a noose, cast it around your foe's neck, and pull.
Attack = 23 vs. AC       Rolled: 19     Bonuses: 4
Damage = 10   Physical       Rolled: 6     Bonuses: 4
Hit: Pull the target 2 squares. The target is slowed until the end of your next turn.  
Salome: What happened?
Mechalomaniac: The bottom half of the script part was missing.
Mechalomaniac: It's fine now, so just duplicate it for your other attacks
Executioner's Noose • Standard • Force, Implement, Shadow
You gather shadows into the form of a noose, cast it around your foe's neck, and pull.
Attack = 9 vs. AC       Rolled: 5     Bonuses: 4
Damage = 8   Physical       Rolled: 4     Bonuses: 4
Hit: Pull the target 2 squares. The target is slowed until the end of your next turn. +4 damage if target is adjacent to no other enemies.  
Salome: That last bit sound right to you?
Mechalomaniac: Yeah
Salome: Ok.
Executioner's Noose • Standard • Force, Implement, Shadow
You gather shadows into the form of a noose, cast it around your foe's neck, and pull.
Attack = 10 vs. AC       Rolled: 6     Bonuses: 4
Damage = 6   Physical       Rolled: 2     Bonuses: 4
Hit: Pull the target 2 squares. The target is slowed until the end of your next turn. +4 damage if target is adjacent to no other enemies.  
Mechalomaniac: Well this might be an issue of "What does the book say" but does it mean +4 if it's not adjacent before or after you pull them?
Salome: Yes.
Salome: It's a feature of Night Stalker. If there's no enemies adjacent to your target when you attack, you get a bonus to damage.
Mechalomaniac: Oh ok
Leaping Shade • Standard • Shadow, Weapon
As your weapon makes contact, the shrouds you have placed on your victim dig cruelly into its flesh.
Attack = 24 vs. AC       Rolled: 17     Bonuses: 7
Damage = 11   Physical       Rolled: 7     Bonuses: 4
Hit: If you didn't invoke your shrouds on the target, it takes 1 extra damage for each of your shrouds on it. +4 damage if target is adjacent to no other enemies.  
Nightmare Shades • Standard • Fear, Implement, Psychic, Shadow
The darkness in the corner of your foe's eyes shifts and moves, causing it to glance about in terror. In its panic, it forgets the true threat to its life.
Attack = 8 vs. Will       Rolled: 1     Bonuses: 7
Damage = 15   Psychic       Rolled: 11     Bonuses: 4
Hit: Target grants combat advantage and a power bonus (+4) until the end of your next turn. +4 damage if target is adjacent to no other enemies.  
Salome: Uh.. terrifying visage is kind of complicated.
Mechalomaniac: Oh...yes it is
Mechalomaniac: Uhh....for that one I'd say just script the primary attack and deal with any extras manually?
Salome: ok
Mechalomaniac: Or make a seperate macro for the secondary attack
Mechalomaniac: Actually no. Just do it manually
Mechalomaniac: Since you have to roll seperately each time anyway
Salome: Ok
Shade Form • Minor • Shadow
You transform yourself into a being of shadow, becoming more difficult to notice and to harm.
Effect: You assume a shadowy form that lasts until you make an attack roll or until the end of your next turn. While in this form, you are insubstantial, and you gain vulnerability 5 radiant. In addition, you can make Stealth checks to become hidden if you have any cover or concealment, and you can use cover granted by allies both to become hidden and to remain hidden. Sustain Minor: The form persists.
One With Shadow • Standard • Shadow
You fade into the darkness, becoming a part of the shadow that swirls around you.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you can make Stealth checks to become hidden when you have any cover or concealment. In addition, you can use cover from your allies to become hidden or remain hidden
Eyes of Night • Minor • Shadow
A moment's concentration lets all your senses touch the darkness.
Effect: You gain Blindsight 10 until the end of your next turn.
Assassin's Shroud • Free • Shadow
You cause invisible shrouds to settle on your foe. At your command, the shrouds reveal the target's weak points to your keen gaze.
Effect: You subject the target to your shroud. If any of your shrouds are already on the target, you subject it to an additional shroud, up to a maximum of four. The shrouds last until you use this power against a different enemy or until the end of the encounter. Before you make an attack roll against the target, you choose to invoke either all your shrouds or none of them. If you invoke your shrouds, the attack deals 1d6 damage per shroud, minus one shroud if the attack misses, and all your shrouds then vanish from the target. This damage roll never benefits from bonuses to damage rolls, and is in addition to the attack's damage, if any. Level 11: 1d6+3 damage per shroud. Level 21: 1d6+6 damage per shroud.
Shadow Step • Move • Shadow, Teleportation
You vanish into the shadow energy around one creature and then step out of it near another creature.
Effect: You teleport 3 squares to a square adjacent to another creature. Level 11: Teleport 4 squares. Level 21: Teleport 5 squares.
Terrifying Visage • Standard • Fear, Implement, Psychic, Shadow
The darkness in the corner of your foe's eyes shifts and moves, causing it to glance about in terror. In its panic, it forgets the true threat to its life.
Attack = 22 vs. Will       Rolled: 18     Bonuses: 4
Damage = 7   Psychic       Rolled: 3     Bonuses: 4
Hit: Primary target is immobilized (Save ends). Miss: Half damage, target is immobilized until the end of your next turn. +4 damage if target is adjacent to no other enemies. Make a secondary attack against each creature other than the primary target in the (close) blast (5). Dex (4) vs. Will. Hit: Push 4 squares. Miss: Push 2 squares.  
Salome: How's that look, Mecha?
Terrifying Visage • Standard • Fear, Implement, Psychic, Shadow
Your face distorts into a horrid visage, which drives your foes before you, but leaves one victim rooted in place.
Attack = 21 vs. Will       Rolled: 17     Bonuses: 4
Damage = 6   Psychic       Rolled: 2     Bonuses: 4
Hit: Primary target is immobilized (Save ends). Miss: Half damage, target is immobilized until the end of your next turn. +4 damage if target is adjacent to no other enemies. Make a secondary attack against each creature other than the primary target in the (close) blast (5). Dex (4) vs. Will. Hit: Push 4 squares. Miss: Push 2 squares.  
Terrifying Visage • Standard • Fear, Implement, Psychic, Shadow
Your face distorts into a horrid visage, which drives your foes before you, but leaves one victim rooted in place.
Attack = 24 vs. Will       Rolled: 20     Bonuses: 4
Damage = 20   Psychic       Rolled: 16     Bonuses: 4
Hit: Primary target is immobilized (Save ends). Miss: Half damage, target is immobilized until the end of your next turn. +4 damage if target is adjacent to no other enemies. Make a secondary attack against each creature other than the primary target in the (close) blast (5). Dex (4) vs. Will. Hit: Push 4 squares. Miss: Push 2 squares.  
Salome: Wow. Ok. There we go. :V Max rolls on 3 dice.
Yuu Inohara has connected.
Mechalomaniac: Oh uhh
Mechalomaniac: that one critted
Mechalomaniac: So it automatically just did max damage
Tilus has connected.
Threden has connected.
Mechalomaniac: The move rate is right this time too
Threden: Hey, our map is gone.
Mechalomaniac: It sure is
Yuu Inohara: yeah the campaign stuff isn't loaded up yet
Mechalomaniac: I thought it was but it's actually the old campaign
Mechalomaniac: Alicia and Astrid were here. I killed Alicia
Blaine has connected.
Fleed has connected.
Blaine: Where be the mining town
Mechalomaniac: Hey Go, do you have your macros done?
Mechalomaniac: I havn't loaded the camaign yet
Mechalomaniac: campaign
Salome: Yes
Mechalomaniac: Ok!
Zorya Whiteshield has connected.
Mechalomaniac: Right click on salome and save the token
Mechalomaniac: To somewhere on your computer
Salome: Saved.
Zorya Whiteshield: (( Where is everyone? ))
Fleed: Campaign's not loaded yet, don't worry right now.
Blaine: Challenge: recreate this city in Minecraft
Tilus: (( okay good, I'm still talking in Celia color. ))
Yuu Inohara: recreate it while not in peaceful/creative/whatever
Mechalomaniac: Hmm.
Mechalomaniac: Hey Fleed is this the right one?
Zorya Whiteshield: :E
Blaine: I would make a city in Minecraft but I have a hard enough time trying to make interiors
Threden: Colour thieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef
Fleed: Uh. Load it...?
Mechalomaniac: I did
Fleed: Did YOU save the campaign?!
Mechalomaniac: I thought I did
Yuu Inohara: SO HEY FLEED
Fleed: ugh you
Zorya Whiteshield: how the fuck do i make macros
Mechalomaniac: it later Pygmy
Blaine: Check the channel for a link to the template, Pygmy
Blaine: It's pretty simple "replace the stuff"
Zorya Whiteshield: Okay
Mechalomaniac: It takes a while though so uhh
Zorya Whiteshield: how do you add them?
Mechalomaniac: Do it after
Crixsara: I should link mine which has some more edits for added stuff.
Blaine: But it can be time consuming so you can do it later, or try to right now as we're fidgeting with the campaign
Yuu Inohara: or just use simple macros like I have for now
Crixsara: Impersonate the token, right-click in the window, and choose "Add Macro"
Zorya Whiteshield: Okay cool
Mechalomaniac: Oh wait
Blaine: Make sure the Impersonate window is active, and your macros will appear in that window as selectable boxes
Mechalomaniac: Nope that's not it either
Yuu Inohara: OCEAN
Mechalomaniac: OK!
Blaine: Ah yes
Blaine: The SS Procedurally Generated
Tilus: (( this looks like it ))
Blaine: Yep
Fleed: Yeah, this is it.
Blaine: We're at Titan's Cradle
Yuu Inohara: in the vaguely stomach looking cave
Tilus: (( also as you can see I went to ragnarok for my token, AGAIN. ))
Fleed: Oh god it's Ordelle's all over again.
Mechalomaniac: And I replaced Salome for Go already
Yuu Inohara: Cave or Ordelles?
Fleed: (just a joke only Go would get really)
Meryl Kincaid: (( I still think you should have taken the /Monk one ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Because tiny and punching ))
Franky has connected.
Meryl Kincaid: (( NOW WITH ORANGER ))
Yuu Inohara: O-RANGER
Tilus: (( ohranger? ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (Oh~ Ranger))
Salome 1: Salome 1 recovers 0 HP.
Meryl Kincaid: (( SPD Orange Ranger ))
Franky: (( MY COUSINS ))
Meryl Kincaid: MAGIC SENTAI
Dark Shot (Spirit charge) • Standard - Melee Touch/Ranged 10 • Arcane, Implement, Necrotic, Psychic
Crixsara shoots a magical bullet infused with darkness at an enemy, which saps their mind and distracts them momentarily.
Attack = 17 vs. Fort       Rolled: 4     Bonuses: 13
Damage = 13   Necrotic/Psychic       Rolled: 9     Bonuses: 4     Special: 2     Critical: 0
Hit: Target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
Potential Bonuses: Hidden Sniper (Gain CA against target if you have concealment against it)
Franky: oh god what are these texts
Lance Brandt: hey fruu
Lance Brandt: we're in the titan's cradle
Mechalomaniac: (( Macros. We'll show you how to do them later ))
Lance Brandt: Pygmy no
Meryl Kincaid:
Avalanche Strike • Standard • Primal, Weapon
Here comes th' pain!
Attack = 20 vs. AC       Rolled: 16     Bonuses: 4
Damage = 17   Physical       Rolled: 7     Bonuses: 10     Special: 0     Critical: 0
Effect: Enemies gain +4 to hit you until start of your next turn.
Meryl Kincaid:
Devastating Strike • Standard • Primal, Weapon
Here comes th' pain!
Attack = 15 vs. AC       Rolled: 11     Bonuses: 4
Damage = 15   Physical       Rolled: 9     Bonuses: 6     Special: 4     Critical: 0
Effect: Enemies gain +2 to hit you unless raging.
Lance Brandt: Sword (Hit): « 1d20+6 = 20 + 6 = 26 » vs. AC
Meryl Kincaid: Check the channel
Meryl Kincaid: Check the Chanel
Meryl Kincaid: Chanel Number Five
Crixsara: Check the flanel
Meryl Kincaid: Numer Five is alive
Lance Brandt: But who is number one?
Salome: (( Sorry guys. I need to AFK real quick. Important phone call. ))
Meryl Kincaid: Just a hard workin' blue collar laser
Meryl Kincaid: Minin' on Mars
Franky: also right I need a token someone take Lin from Legend of Korra and make a token of her please
Meryl Kincaid: Fleed's never seen Blue Collar Laser
Celia Dunesend: (( you never bothered making a token in the whole run-up to this? ))
Meryl Kincaid: Ok
Crixsara: Even while talking about it.
Franky: I WAS BUSY
Lance Brandt: Failru
Meryl Kincaid: In Trenched, they added some new paintjobs and weapons in the DLC
Meryl Kincaid: One of the new weapons was a laser cannon
Meryl Kincaid: And a new paintjob was flannel
Meryl Kincaid: So Umb took a flannel Trench into a mission with lasers
Franky: I believe you mean Iron Brigade, sir
Meryl Kincaid: He was Blue Collar Laser
Meryl Kincaid: Iron Brigade is a game about copyrights
Salome: ..I see my token, but my macros are not here.
Lance Brandt: thats your token from last week
Assassin's Shroud • Free • Shadow
You cause invisible shrouds to settle on your foe. At your command, the shrouds reveal the target's weak points to your keen gaze.
Effect: You subject the target to your shroud. If any of your shrouds are already on the target, you subject it to an additional shroud, up to a maximum of four. The shrouds last until you use this power against a different enemy or until the end of the encounter. Before you make an attack roll against the target, you choose to invoke either all your shrouds or none of them. If you invoke your shrouds, the attack deals 1d6 damage per shroud, minus one shroud if the attack misses, and all your shrouds then vanish from the target. This damage roll never benefits from bonuses to damage rolls, and is in addition to the attack's damage, if any. Level 11: 1d6+3 damage per shroud. Level 21: 1d6+6 damage per shroud.
Lance Brandt: you have to load in the one you saved
Salome: I'm seeing your macros pretty well, duder.
Meryl Kincaid: Do you have the Impersonate window active?
Meryl Kincaid: Window -> Impersonate
Salome: I'm seeing "Salome No macros"
Lance Brandt: are you in the cradle?
Christina DeMarsey: (( Are you in the Cradle? ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Because that's the one with the Macros ))
Salome: No, I'm looking at the one on the world map.
Fleed: Yeah that'd be why.
Lance Brandt: Well there's your problem!
Christina DeMarsey: (( Oh, yeah move to Titan's Cradle. ))
Blaine: We're at Titan's Cradle
Yuu Inohara: Damn it furu, I already have that song stuck in my head
Fleed: Furu do you have your token made yet.
Meryl Kincaid: Maybe I can help
Franky: TOKEN
Fleed: mmhf
Christina DeMarsey: (( Do you have a picture of your character? ))
Fleed: I'll do it.
Meryl Kincaid: Or how about
Yuu Inohara: I still say Furu should use the old lady giving the middle finger picture I linked
Meryl Kincaid: wimoweh wimoweh wimoweh wimoweh wimoweh wimoweh wimoweh wimoweh wimoweh wimoweh
Crixsara: There's not enough turrets for that.
Franky: I've got turrets syndrome it's cool
Yuu Inohara: :V
Meryl Kincaid: I will provide a temporary token for Furu
Meryl Kincaid: Or not because it'd be just as much effort to make one for this as a real token
Fleed: Hahaha.
Celia Dunesend: (( what ))
Fleed: I've got a thing already done up for him.
Zorya Whiteshield:
Astral Seal • Standard - Ranged 5 • Divine, Healing, Implement
Stop, please! Fighting will only make it worse.
Attack = 14 vs. Reflex       Rolled: 6     Bonuses: 8
Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses. The next ally to hit the target regains hit points equal to your Charisma modifier plus your Wisdom modifier (+3)(+4).
Zorya Whiteshield:
Zorya Whiteshield:
Astral Seal • Standard - Ranged 5 • Divine, Healing, Implement
Stop, please! Fighting will only make it worse.
Attack = 12 vs. Reflex       Rolled: 4     Bonuses: 8
Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses. The next ally to hit the target regains hit points equal to your Charisma modifier plus your Wisdom modifier (+3)(+4).
Franky: I'll figure out these macros another night
Meryl Kincaid: You messed up the type of attack it is
Zorya Whiteshield: Fixed
Zorya Whiteshield:
Astral Seal • Standard - Ranged 5 • Divine, Healing, Implement
Stop, please! Fighting will only make it worse.
Attack = 21 vs. Reflex       Rolled: 13     Bonuses: 8
Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses. The next ally to hit the target regains hit points equal to your Charisma modifier plus your Wisdom modifier (+3)(+4).
Meryl Kincaid: There y'go
Zorya Whiteshield: Even figured out what parts to delete
Franky: hahahaha why is spider-man flipping a car
Salome: He stopped giving fucks.
Lance Brandt: Because there were no tables
Meryl Kincaid: Because he COULDN'T save 15% or more on car insurance
Lance Brandt: oh god why
Franky: jesus christ
Meryl Kincaid: The hell is that
Zorya Whiteshield: Static
Zorya Whiteshield: or a marble countertop
Celia Dunesend: (( aged static it sounds like. ))
Lance Brandt: thats horrifying
Celia Dunesend: (( yes! ))
Lance Brandt: because Tilus is lazy
Fleed: Have we had enough fun?
Franky: yes, let's start the game where no fun will be had
Franky: No fun allowed,jpg
Celia Dunesend: (( Less lazy and more I didn't have a better MMO to draw a pic from, so I fell back on my fallback. ))
Meryl Kincaid: I HAD FUN ONCE
Crixsara: (( IT WAS ALL FU'S FAULT ))
Meryl Kincaid: ONCE
Salome: (( Then he took an arrow to the knee. ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Fleed how do you bold in this text chat ))
* Meryl Kincaid picks Go up
Fleed: It's all HTML.
* Meryl Kincaid carries him to Firebase Condor
Franky: HTML
* Meryl Kincaid selects Reapers on Platinum
Salome: (( BLARG ))
* Meryl Kincaid leaves
Fleed: (also Furu there's /ooc)
Franky: (( I DO WHAT I WANT ))
Crixsara: (( YOU ARE NOT A PIRATE. ))
Meryl Kincaid: LOUD NOISES
Salome: LA LA LA
Fleed: Anyway, enough around-dicking, let's get this show on the road~
Celia Dunesend: WHAT IS THIS
Salome: Whaaaaaaaat?!
Fleed: Y'all got shot in the goddamn face a whole bunch of times by goblins because you were being idiots and didn't light a torch while you were exploring the pitch black darkness cave.
Salome: I like swords shiny objects.
Fleed: But then you did.
Fleed: And killed a bunch of goblins because they were jerks.
Meryl Kincaid: (( We should get a token of a baby for Furu until he gets one ))
Celia Dunesend: (( You never said it was pitch black darkness though. ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( And Yuu had a torch ))
Unknown command: "oor Or a magic torch". Try /help for a list of commands.
Lance Brandt: (( I WAS a torch ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Or a magic torch ))
Fleed: (( Lance is... not the best torch, we should say. ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Look I play Minecraft with the gamma up so I don't need torches ))
Lance Brandt: (( *emits light out to five squares* ))
Crixsara: (( Not the brightest torch in the box. ))
Zorya Whiteshield:
Sacred Flame • Standard - Ranged 5 • Divine, Implement, Radiant
Attack = 17 vs. Reflex       Rolled: 11     Bonuses: 6
Damage = 10   Radiant       Rolled: 6     Bonuses: 4     Special: 2     Critical: 0
Hit: One Ally you can see can choose to gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma (+2) + 1/2 your level or to make a saving throw.
Celia Dunesend: (( In any case I do still have a torch going so. ))
Lance Brandt: (( I'm like a terraria torch ))
Fleed: Now you guys are in a more open space of the cave, with two branches you haven't yet explored, as well as another few in the direction you entered from.
Meryl Kincaid: (( Strategy 1: follow the left wall ))
Fleed: Aside from scattered arrows, and chunks of metal dropped by your foes, there is little of any immediate interest in this cavern.
Zorya Whiteshield: "Um, is everyone feeling alright? No one's hurt too bad?"
Meryl Kincaid: (( Also if this were FF13 we'd splinter off into groups of two for an entire disc and a half ))
Christina DeMarsey: I'm fine enough. Which way shall we head?
Salome: I'm fine.
Meryl Kincaid: Ah'm fine, that was jussa warm up.
Lance Brandt: (( FF13 is doing it wrong, never split the party ))
Zorya Whiteshield: "I like south. But, I'm fine with whatever you want to do..."
Fleed: (( FF13 does a... lot of things wrong. ))
Celia Dunesend: "I'm fine for now, don't worry. A few scratches like that won't bring me down."
Crixsara: (( Always split the party. ))
Celia Dunesend: "Anyways, if we don't have any other leads, either direction is fine, so why don't we check out what's to the left first?"
* Lance Brandt cracks his neck before pointing off to where he was hacking goblins, "Well, the last of those buggers seemed to run off that way..."
Christina DeMarsey: Very well.
Zorya Whiteshield: (( got mah at-wills macro'd up ))
Franky: (( so much moving ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Where IS furu's token? ))
Lance Brandt: (( Oh god sudden space time rip ))
Franky: (( not here yet ))
Crixsara: (( clearly Fu is kidnapped by goblins. ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Oh ok ))
Celia Dunesend: (( Still doesn't have one yet. ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( He can use this one. ))
Lance Brandt: (( I'm in favor of the stupid newbie token ))
Celia Dunesend: (( I can of course drop in the "stone idol" from kobold death maze if need be ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( In the google image search as I'm looking for it ))
Franky: (( I'm telling you just use lin from legend of korra IT'S PRETTY MUCH ACCURATE ))
Lance Brandt: (( oh god which one is treasure which one is plot aaaa ))
Fleed: (( HOHOHO ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( brb potty ))
Lance Brandt: (( SAVE STATE (no) ))
Celia Dunesend: "Hmm. Another branch. In this case..!"
* Tilus rolls: 1d2 Celia pulls out a coin and flips it. => 2
Celia Dunesend: "Let's go that way."
Christina DeMarsey: Which way is that way?
Christina DeMarsey: Very well.
Meryl Kincaid: (( loading up token tool, please drag me along ))
* Lance Brandt scratches his head looking about, "Man, why are there so many tunnels?"
Lance Brandt: (( oh god ))
Christina DeMarsey: Caves tend to have tunnels.
* Lance Brandt taps his sword against the ground "Goody, more open space."
* Salome rolls: 1d20+13 Stealth => 7 + 13 = 20
Fleed: You enter another large cavern. The northern area looks a bit more... man-made than the ones you'd seen prior, looking like the entrance to the entire mine system.
* Zorya Whiteshield scurries along behind the others, keeping her huge eyes peeled for bad people. "Please don't leave me behind."
* Zorya Whiteshield rolls: 1d20+10 PERCEPTION => 16 + 10 = 26
Fleed: Zorya also sees a light way down the northern tunnel.
* Zorya Whiteshield points at it! "I think I see something over there."
* Salome rolls: 1d20+5 PERCEPTIONS => 10 + 5 = 15
Celia Dunesend: "Well, we're here for a behemoth. I don't think they can fit in these tunnels, and up there looks like it leads outside, so let's take a look over there."
Zorya Whiteshield: "I'd like to check it out, if that'd be okay."
Fleed: Darkvision sucks when you're trying to see light.
Fleed: You do see something, at least.
Christina DeMarsey: Might as well.
Christina DeMarsey: (( Darkvision is optional ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Boop ))
* Lance Brandt shrugs, "There was also the job about some goblin bandits, probably those jerks we fought earlier so worth checking out."
Fleed: (( Furu is that you. ))
* Salome peers down the tunnel to the east
Franky: (( THAT'S ME ))
Franky: (( I GUESS ))
Franky: (( I don't own it though ))
Fleed: Salome doesn't see... much, just more tunnel.
Christina DeMarsey: (( YOU DO NOW ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Now you do ))
Lance Brandt: (( fixed ))
Cid: (( Whoo! ))
Fleed: The north tunnel is pretty obviously a mineshaft, if widened; support beams and all. All the lanterns have gone out, though.
Christina DeMarsey: Move cautiously. Mines are know to collapse.
* Celia Dunesend nods silently.
* Zorya Whiteshield turns pale. "O-oh."
Fleed: You also encounter a tunnel leading west, partially supported though mostly natural-looking.
* Zorya Whiteshield clings to her staff and scrunches down into her hood.
Cid: (( I can't edit her stats though ))
Fleed: The light to the north is still there, however, and now you can hear voices of... some sort.
Meryl Kincaid: (( Properties ))
* Christina DeMarsey holds her hand up
* Salome is still stealth'd.
* Celia Dunesend looks to Christina.
* Christina DeMarsey then points at Salome and down the tunnel.
Lance Brandt: Perception: « 1d20+4 = 10 + 4 = 14 »
Lance Brandt: (( PERCEPTIONEST ))
* Salome sneaks up a bit to get a look into the room.
Zorya Whiteshield: "Wh-what is it?" She peers over someone's shoulder.
* Mechalomaniac rolls: 1d20+2 WHY NOT PERCEPTION => 16 + 2 = 18
* Zorya Whiteshield rolls: 1d20+10 LOOKIT => 1 + 10 = 11
Cid: (( yeah I can't alter properties at all ))
* Zorya Whiteshield is too small to see over shoulders.
Fleed: You can't make out what they're saying, but you do see the occasional goblin corpse around the mouth of the northern cavern. Salome is... practically standing on one of them.
* Christina DeMarsey makes a "shhh" motion toward Zorya.
Crixsara: (( You have ownership. Are you in the right tab? ))
* Zorya Whiteshield shrinks back from Christina and nods.
* Salome rolls: 1d20+5 Perception? => 17 + 5 = 22
Meryl Kincaid: (( Man this is one human-ass aprty ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( party ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( I just kinda realized it right now ))
Crixsara: (( *kupo* ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( That's okay ))
Lance Brandt: (( eh ))
Salome: (( Mrowr? ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( That's how FF games usually are ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( You're like.. our Chopper ))
Lance Brandt: (( its 4 humans 4 non I think ))
Fleed: Salome sees three... people. Two Humes, one is far too armored to really figure out what the hell.
Meryl Kincaid: (( WE ARE NOW STRAWHATS ))
Salome: (( Brook? ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Skeleton with an afro, the only other technically non-human crew member ))
* Salome moves back to the others to whispers.
Salome: Two humes. Something else. Too heavily armored to tell what.
Meryl Kincaid: (( Put your other defenses on the AC line. It's weird about that. ))
Celia Dunesend: (( AC 12?! really!!? ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Also yeah 12 seems super low. ))
Fleed: (( STOP THAT ))
Crixsara: (( Fu is clearly not wearing armour. ))
Lance Brandt: (( it should be 16 with leather armor ))
Christina DeMarsey: Any indication if they're hostile toward us?
Lance Brandt: (( since 18 int ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( what are you doing
Fleed: (( Ugh. Weird. ))
Cid: (( okay there ))
Lance Brandt: (( what is the happening happenings? ))
Cid: (( what is going on ))
Fleed: (( I can't move your dumb ass for some reason. ))
Fleed: (( :argh: ))
Crixsara: (( It's all Fu's fault. ))
Fleed: (( ANYWAY ))
Fleed: At this distance, Salome is... hidden enough from two of them, who have their backs turned to her, but is just barely skirting the light shined by one of their torches.
Meryl Kincaid: (( Beatstick should be further up ))
Fleed: You should... probably try and Stealth that up again.
* Lance Brandt keeps his back to the wall in the tunnel while trying to listen in
One With Shadow • Standard • Shadow
You fade into the darkness, becoming a part of the shadow that swirls around you.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you can make Stealth checks to become hidden when you have any cover or concealment. In addition, you can use cover from your allies to become hidden or remain hidden
* Salome rolls: 1d20+13 => 11 + 13 = 24
* Zorya Whiteshield nervously fidgets with the crook of her staff.
Fleed: (( ...Furu where did you go ))
Cid: (( RIGHT HERE ))
Crixsara: (( He's over with the NPCs ))
Fleed: (( No I meant where did you go, but uh. Yeah. ))
Fleed: (( Perception that shit. ))
Cid: (( OH SORRY ))
Cid: roll 1d20+8
Cid: (( WHOOPS ))
Fleed: (( /roll, not Schala. ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( You need a / ))
* Franky rolls: 1d20+8 => 16 + 8 = 24
Lance Brandt: (( or brackets ))
Cid: (( Schala has spoiled me ))
* Zorya Whiteshield nudges Celia. "Is she going to be alright?"
Cid: ?
* Christina DeMarsey whispers. "She'll be fine."
* Celia Dunesend whispers back. "She'll be fine, yes."
Fleed: Salome is... not necessarily seen, but her movement is detected.
Crixsara: (( ! ))
* Salome narrows her eyes, cursing under her breath.
Max: Captain?
* Lance Brandt tightens his grip on his sword, "So what are these chumps doing down here anyway?" He grumbles under his breath.
Cid: ...Hm. Thought I saw something. Could be my imagination, but better to be sure.
Jhanei: More goblins, prolly.
Jhanei: Nothin' t'worry about, yeah?
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+2 => 7 + 2 = 9
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+3 => 11 + 3 = 14
Fleed: Well, the two others don't really see anything, at least.
* Salome takes to slowly sneak back to the party, moving at half speed.
Cid: I suppose you're right.
Lance Brandt: So what was all that about?
Salome: "Not sure. I thought one of them might have noticed me, but they dismissed it as a possibly a goblin. Not sure who they are or what they're doing here."
* Zorya Whiteshield perks up when Salome makes it back. "You're safe~"
Fleed: The conversation between the three others continues, but little can really be heard at this distance.
Celia Dunesend: "They might be competition for our jobs. Probably best to avoid them for now."
Christina DeMarsey: Should we go speak to them, or keep hidden?
Salome: "We should probably move forward together, as quietly as possible. If a fight breaks out, I don't think I can take them on my own."
Celia Dunesend: (( NYAH ON YOU FURU ))
Zorya Whiteshield: "We could go down this tunnel."
Lance Brandt: With the way these tunnels are we can probably get past them without much trouble, as long as we get to the mark first.
* Zorya Whiteshield points behind her.
Celia Dunesend: "Sure."
Zorya Whiteshield: "That way I won't get us hurt when I mess up sneaking."
Salome: "Therrre is 3 of them and 7 of us. We could take 'em."
* Salome shrugs.
* Christina DeMarsey shrugs.
Zorya Whiteshield: "Wait for me!"
Lance Brandt: Yes, but I'd rather not waste energy before finding what we're after.
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+9 => 1 + 9 = 10
Fleed: An arrow whizzes past Lance's head.
Lance Brandt: (( derp? ))
Meryl Kincaid: We better fine sum'n t'kill soon, ah'm gettin' bored.
Christina DeMarsey: I don't believe what I'm after is down here.
* Salome twitches her ears and sniffs down the tunnel to the south.
* Lance Brandt frowns, "Well thats unfortunate..."
Lance Brandt: Perception: « 1d20+4 = 15 + 4 = 19 »
* Mechalomaniac rolls: 1d20+2 => 10 + 2 = 12
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+10 => 4 + 10 = 14
Christina DeMarsey: (( Also perception ))
* Zorya Whiteshield rolls: 1d20+10 lookit => 9 + 10 = 19
* Salome rolls: 1d20+5 Perception => 16 + 5 = 21
Goblin Ambusher: Aaaghh.
Celia Dunesend: "...More goblins."
* Meryl Kincaid cracks her knuckles.
Crixsara: More, *kupo*?
Meryl Kincaid: Ask'n Fenrir'll oblige.
* Goblin Ambusher runs the fuck away, oh dear
Lance Brandt: Hnn... More of these bastards... Looks like we'll have to kill something before continuing. *He gives a slight grin*
Christina DeMarsey: (( Initiative time? ))
Zorya Whiteshield: "That's not good..."
Goblin Ambusher: (( Go for it. ))
Lance Brandt: Initiative: « 1d20 = 17 »
* Zorya Whiteshield rolls: 1d20+1 Initiative! => 20 + 1 = 21
* Tilus rolls: 1d20+1 Init. Also all'y'all get +2 to init => 1 + 1 = 2
Celia Dunesend: (( ONORE SERRA ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( Zoomya ))
Lance Brandt: (( SERA NO ))
Christina DeMarsey: roll 1d20+3 Inititive counting Tilus' thingy
* Salome rolls: 1d20+4 => 6 + 4 = 10
* Mechalomaniac rolls: 1d20+3 Inititive counting Tilus' thingy => 9 + 3 = 12
Zorya Whiteshield: (( forgot tilusbonus ))
Lance Brandt: (( 19 with Tilus' thing yeah ))
* Threden rolls: 1d20+1+1 Moogle Initiative => 19 + 1 + 1 = 21
Meryl Kincaid: (( We have a Tilus bonus? ))
Cid: (( bonlus ))
Celia Dunesend: (( Yes ))
Crixsara: (( Yes, +1 init to all allies. ))
Salome: (( Apparently. (I'm at 12, then.) ))
* Blaine rolls: 1d20+2 => 9 + 2 = 11
Zorya Whiteshield: (( 22 ))
Lance Brandt: (( oh, only +1? ))
Lance Brandt: (( 18 then ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( He said +2 ))
Celia Dunesend: (( Oh, I meant 1. ))
Celia Dunesend: (( Misremembered. ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Then mine is 1 lower ))
Salome: (( ..11 then. ))
Celia Dunesend: (( Ditto. ))
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+5 => 14 + 5 = 19
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+5 => 17 + 5 = 22
Celia Dunesend: (( You may lynch me later. ))
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+5 => 10 + 5 = 15
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+4 => 16 + 4 = 20
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+4 => 4 + 4 = 8
Lance Brandt: (( I'm not dead last this time atleast ))
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+4 => 4 + 4 = 8
Celia Dunesend: (( Needless to say I am dead last. ))
Crixsara: (( Oh, it is +2, according to the sheet. ))
Celia Dunesend: (( =_= ))
Celia Dunesend: (( *shakefists at all you guys confusing me* ))
Lance Brandt: (( WORDS ))
* Franky rolls: 1d20 => 1
Lance Brandt: (( KNOW MY PAIN, FURU ))
Lance Brandt: (( KNOW MY PAIN ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( I KNOW YOU FEEL THIS ))
Celia Dunesend: (( ...Wait, I don't go last? ))
Zorya Whiteshield:
Astral Seal • Standard - Ranged 5 • Divine, Healing, Implement
Stop, please! Fighting will only make it worse.
Attack = 22 vs. Reflex       Rolled: 14     Bonuses: 8
Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses. The next ally to hit the target regains hit points equal to your Charisma modifier plus your Wisdom modifier (+3)(+4).
Zorya Whiteshield: (( aguhg))
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+2 => 12 + 2 = 14
Zorya Whiteshield: (( right-click, not left ))
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+3 => 2 + 3 = 5
Meryl Kincaid: (( We had a premature At-Will ))
Lance Brandt: (( it misfired ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Erk, be right back. If I'm not back by my turn Tilus can act for me ))
Lance Brandt: (( damn it tilus get out of my head ))
Lance Brandt: (( oh god its last week again ))
Cid: (( that goblin has a sweet gas mask ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( IT'S NOT DIFFERENT AT ALL ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( IS IT STEVE? ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( We need appropriate Final Fantasy music, so I'm loading up YouTube on my 360 to play Clash on the Big Bridge ))
Goblin Ambusher: (( Okay. Ugh. I need to be faster at this. ))
* Goblin Brigand 1 charges Lance!
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+10 => 19 + 10 = 29
* Fleed rolls: 1d8+5 => 1 + 5 = 6
Lance Brandt: Lance Brandt loses 6 HP.
Crixsara has received initiative.
Lance Brandt: HOLD IT!!
Crixsara: Letting yourself get stabbed by a goblin already, *kupo*?
* Lance Brandt suddenly explodes into fire at the sword hit >
Lance Brandt: Firepulse (Hit): « 1d20+6 = 13 + 6 = 19 » vs. Reflex
Lance Brandt: Firepulse (Damage): « 2d6+4 = 9 + 4 = 13 » Fire damage.
Goblin Brigand 1: Goblin Brigand 1 loses 13 HP.
* Lance Brandt gives a feral grin, "I'd advise not doing that again."
Goblin Brigand 1: I'll stabs ya fires 'til not ya fires.
Lance Brandt: (( saddly that's an encounter, albeit with the reliable keyword though ))
Magical Accelerant • Minor • N/A
Crixsara shoots a foe with a shell containing a magical mixture intended to make the target more susceptible to magic gunner rounds.
Effect: Target creature becomes covered in a magical accelerant. If the creature is later hit by a Magic Gunner attack, they may choose to deal an extra 1d6 damage. This damage can only be triggered once per turn.
Crixsara: Well then *kupo*, let's see if you like this.
Dark Shot (Spirit charge) • Standard - Melee Touch/Ranged 10 • Arcane, Implement, Necrotic, Psychic
Crixsara shoots a magical bullet infused with darkness at an enemy, which saps their mind and distracts them momentarily.
Attack = 25 vs. Fort       Rolled: 12     Bonuses: 13
Damage = 13   Necrotic/Psychic       Rolled: 9     Bonuses: 4     Special: 8     Critical: 0
Hit: Target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
Potential Bonuses: Hidden Sniper (Gain CA against target if you have concealment against it)
Magical Accelerant (Detonate) • Free Action • N/A
The magical accelerant ignites, dealing extra damage!
Damage = 6   Physical       Rolled: 6     Bonuses: 0
Goblin Brigand 1: Goblin Brigand 1 loses 19 HP.
Lance Brandt: (( now if only Kulo could get those rolls ))
Zorya Whiteshield has received initiative.
Goblin Brigand 1: Augh, m'selfmeats.
Crixsara: (( Arg, I thought I fixed the bonus on that, too. It still hit regardless, though. ))
Goblin Brigand 2: STOP BEING A PUSSY
Goblin Brigand 1: SHIT HURTS, YOU TRY IT
* Zorya Whiteshield rolls up her sleeve and levels her finger at the Brigand. "You go away now!"
Zorya Whiteshield:
Sacred Flame • Standard - Ranged 5 • Divine, Implement, Radiant
I'm very sorry, but I'm going to have ta get rough witchyas.
Attack = 13 vs. Reflex       Rolled: 7     Bonuses: 6
Damage = 9   Radiant       Rolled: 5     Bonuses: 4     Special: 0     Critical: 0
Hit: One Ally you can see can choose to gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma (+2) + 1/2 your level or to make a saving throw.
Salome: (( People should look at the link I posted on IRC when they have a moment. ))
* Celia Dunesend giggles a bit. "These goblins really aren't all that tough if they're buckling under from just that."
* Goblin Brigand 1 is more resistant to flaming holy lasers than he is to actual fire, apparently.
Meryl Kincaid: (( Oh man Dissidia's version of CotBB is great ))
* Goblin Brigand 1 is only just though.
Celia Dunesend: (( Where? ))
Goblin Brigand 1: Goblin Brigand 1 loses 9 HP.
Crixsara: (( 13-2's is pretty good, too. ))
Celia Dunesend: (( If it's in simchamber, I can't see it. ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( Lance, take 3 Temp HPs
Spirit Charger • Free • N/A
Crixsara's use of magical accelerants allows her to harvest tiny fragments of the creature's spirit or essence, allowing you to increase the effect of some attacks.
Effect: Recover a Spirit Charge use. Only one Spirit Charge can be held at a time.
Salome: (( Yeah its in simchamber. I'll put it in zeal as well. ))
Lance Brandt: Lance Brandt recovers 3 HP.
* Goblin Furrier unlocks the cage on his back, and a very angry bird flies out!
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+5 => 17 + 5 = 22
Lance Brandt: (( oh god its going to knock over our structures ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( my piggies! ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( he bird is larger and also tougher than the furrier ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( the* ))
Celia Dunesend: (( That is some bird, yeah ))
Lance Brandt: (( well more armored ))
Lance Brandt: (( the furry is tougher ))
Lance Brandt: (( fort wise ))
* Goblin Furrier takes aim at Lance!
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+8 => 14 + 8 = 22
Lance Brandt: I'm going to kill you all.
* Fleed rolls: 1d8+3 => 5 + 3 = 8
Cid: (( also the bird is live action ))
Lance Brandt: Lance Brandt loses 8 HP.
Lance Brandt: (( LIVE ACTION BIRD ))
* Goblin Furrier hums to himself.
Lance Brandt: (( oh god ))
Lance Brandt: (( why ))
Goblin Brigand 2: 'Ey, hi. How y'doin'.
Goblin Brigand 2: I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD
Crixsara: (( SERVES YOU RIGHT. ))
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+9 => 12 + 9 = 21
* Fleed rolls: 1d8+5 => 2 + 5 = 7
Lance Brandt: (( pff ))
Lance Brandt: Lance Brandt loses 7 HP.
Lance Brandt has received initiative.
* Lance Brandt simply grins, still barely standing
Goblin Brigand 2: Ah, y'gots moxie.
Meryl Kincaid: Stop lettin' em hitcha, ya idjit!
Goblin Brigand 2: HATE THAT SHIT
Zorya Whiteshield: (( aaaa i need to heal you ))
* Lance Brandt raises sword, "You're gonna wish you finished me there." He chuckled, flaming runes appearing on the goblin as his sword crackles with electricity, "THUNDER BLADE."
Lance Brandt: Lightning Clash - Primary (Hit): « 1d20+6 = 8 + 6 = 14 » vs. AC
Zorya Whiteshield: "Please! Someone go help him!"
Lance Brandt: (( OH GOD DAMN IT ))
Goblin Brigand 2: thunder whatsit
Crixsara: You're kind of bad at that "don't get hit" thing.
Lance Brandt: (( also marked ))
Celia Dunesend: "I'll be there in a second! Just hang on as long as you can!"
Meryl Kincaid: No! Ya hit THEM an then they dun hit YOU
Lance Brandt: Oh be quiet
* Meryl Kincaid rolls up her sleeves.
* Goblin Alchemist ehmm... hmm.
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+2 => 18 + 2 = 20
Zorya Whiteshield: (( I can't use free actions, can I? ))
Lance Brandt: (( only immediates right now ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( blah ))
Jhanei: 'Ey, now, whassis?
Max: Seems there's a fight brewing over here.
Cid: Well, you weren't wrong about their being more goblins, at least.
Lance Brandt: (( LANSE AIN DED YET *flail* ))
Celia Dunesend: "And I see we have company."
Jhanei: Told ya, right?
Lance Brandt: (( *suddenly halogen laser* ))
Crixsara: (( And so we kill Furu's character. ))
Salome: (( Gingerbread! Tootie-Frootie! PEP-ER-OOOO-NIIIIIIIIIII ))
Max: Among other things, yes.
Cid: Don't let it go to your head.
Jhanei: Who you wantin' shanked, Cap'n?
Cid: The goblins. We'll sort out the rest after the obvious threat is eliminated.
Jhanei: Can do!
* Lance Brandt wipes blood from his lip, "Hnn, well isn't that charitable..."
* Jhanei charges forward and leaps into the air!
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+7 => 5 + 7 = 12
Christina DeMarsey: (( Ok I'm back ))
* Jhanei is... less than successful. Damn this helmet's visibility.
Christina DeMarsey has received initiative.
Lance Brandt: (( you missed Kid kicking Lance in the groin repeatedly on loop ))
* Cid sighs.
Christina DeMarsey: (( That's always fun ))
* Christina DeMarsey charges Brigand 2!
Max: Well, you can't fault his enthusiasm for the fight.
Lance Brandt: (( so yeah I'd advise making it hard for him to reach me so I can atleast benefit from my mark ))
Christina DeMarsey:
Ardent Strike • Standard • Divine, Weapon
You attack your enemy and make it the focus of your god's anger.
Attack = 11 vs. AC       Rolled: 3     Bonuses: 8
Damage = 5   Physical       Rolled: 1     Bonuses: 4
Hit: The enemy is marked by you and takes 3 + your Charisma modifier (+2) radiant damage the first time each round it makes an attack that doesn't include you. When charging you can use this power in place of a melee basic attack.  
Christina DeMarsey: Face me!
Celia Dunesend: (( KIIIID ))
* Goblin Brigand 2 is feeling somewhat unappreciated for his work to gobkind.
Lance Brandt: (( also to be fair, jump IS a half accuracy attack in TA2 ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Marking ))
Lance Brandt: (( or I guess I won't :V ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( The goal is for him to hit me! ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Also done ))
Meryl Kincaid has received initiative.
Lance Brandt: (( thats also one thing I kinda dislike about how 4e handles that, the mark overwriting :/ ))
* Meryl Kincaid digs her foot into the dirt, then flies screaming past Lance into the goblin!
Meryl Kincaid:
Howling Strike • Standard • Primal, Weapon
Ah'm comin' fer ya!
Attack = 16 vs. AC       Rolled: 12     Bonuses: 4
Damage = 17   Physical       Rolled: 11     Bonuses: 6     Special: 4     Critical: 0
Special: May use while charging and +2 to charge distance if raging.
Christina DeMarsey: (( It's to prevent a no win scenerio ))
* Goblin Brigand 2 SRW dodge
Lance Brandt: (( bump it to 20? ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Wait, you only have +4 to hit? ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Not worth it on turn 1 ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Oh right, proficiency ))
Crixsara: (( It's a fine mechanic. No other game lets you have an enemy taunted to two targets at once. ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Uh... I forgot what Execution Axe has. +2? ))
Goblin Brigand 2: (( So you're really hitting at... what, +6, +7? ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( It's +6 fully, I failed my macros ))
* Goblin Brigand 2 doesn't SRW dodge at all!
Meryl Kincaid: (( Going to fix now. ))
Goblin Brigand 2: Goblin Brigand 2 loses 17 HP.
Salome has received initiative.
Meryl Kincaid: A'ight princess, countcher seconds cuz they're bout ta end.
Goblin Brigand 2: i liked this helmet
Zorya Whiteshield: (( I love the goblin banter ))
Lance Brandt: (( noose would be helpfull I think ))
* Salome narrows her eyes at the brigand in front of her and starts to coalesce shadows around the goblin's neck into a noose!
Executioner's Noose • Standard • Force, Implement, Shadow
You gather shadows into the form of a noose, cast it around your foe's neck, and pull.
Attack = 22 vs. AC       Rolled: 18     Bonuses: 4
Damage = 10   Physical       Rolled: 6     Bonuses: 4
Hit: Pull the target 2 squares. The target is slowed until the end of your next turn. +4 damage if target is adjacent to no other enemies.  
Goblin Brigand 2: ogl
Goblin Brigand 2: Goblin Brigand 2 loses 10 HP.
Salome: (( 14 HP. ))
Lance Brandt: (( yay ))
Goblin Brigand 2: Goblin Brigand 2 loses 4 HP.
Zorya Whiteshield: (( force choke ))
Salome: (( +4 damage if the target is not adjacent to any other enemies. ))
Lance Brandt: (( also slowed so if he doesn't get horribly murdered he won't really be able to get around Meryl or Christina ))
Goblin Brigand 2: (( Shroudin'? ))
Celia Dunesend: (( I can heal you on my turn, don't worry. ))
Salome: (( Oh. Yes. ))
Assassin's Shroud • Free • Shadow
You cause invisible shrouds to settle on your foe. At your command, the shrouds reveal the target's weak points to your keen gaze.
Effect: You subject the target to your shroud. If any of your shrouds are already on the target, you subject it to an additional shroud, up to a maximum of four. The shrouds last until you use this power against a different enemy or until the end of the encounter. Before you make an attack roll against the target, you choose to invoke either all your shrouds or none of them. If you invoke your shrouds, the attack deals 1d6 damage per shroud, minus one shroud if the attack misses, and all your shrouds then vanish from the target. This damage roll never benefits from bonuses to damage rolls, and is in addition to the attack's damage, if any. Level 11: 1d6+3 damage per shroud. Level 21: 1d6+6 damage per shroud.
Goblin Brigand 2: (( T'who? ))
Salome: (( I think the brigand is the only one in range. ))
Goblin Brigand 2: (( Fair enough, I guess. ))
* Goblin Ambusher 1 pops out from behind a corner and takes aim at Christina!
Meryl Kincaid: (( Oh hey I almost missed it but I got a faux crit when I hit him ))
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+9 => 20 + 9 = 29
Meryl Kincaid: (( Not an actual crit, just max damage ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( He got a real crit ))
Lance Brandt: (( thats why I ask-ohgod-if you wanted to bump it ))
Christina DeMarsey: Christina DeMarsey loses 11 HP.
* Goblin Ambusher 1 holds his aim!
* Goblin Ambusher 2 sanjou~
* Goblin Ambusher 2 aims at Meryl!
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+9 => 20 + 9 = 29
Meryl Kincaid: Meryl Kincaid loses 11 HP.
Lance Brandt: (( oh god what ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Ow ))
Celia Dunesend: (( really, kid? ))
Crixsara: You're all dodging awful, *kupo*
Zorya Whiteshield: (( Who all is bloodied? ))
Celia Dunesend: (( lance and now meryl ))
Max: Sigh. It seems things are going a bit south, for them.
* Meryl Kincaid grins wide at the hit.
Salome: (( The people with the red diamond on their tokens. ))
Meryl Kincaid: Now it's fun.
Lance Brandt: Bah I've been through worse
Max: We still wish to help, yes?
Zorya Whiteshield: (( okay ))
Max: (( Oh, Furu~ ))
Cid: Of course.
Max: Very well.
* Max hefts his spear, and leaps into action - quite literally, even~
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+7 => 19 + 7 = 26
* Fleed rolls: 1d8+3 => 2 + 3 = 5
Goblin Brigand 2: Goblin Brigand 2 loses 5 HP.
Celia Dunesend has received initiative.
Cid: Excellent, Max. Truly you have restored my faith in the Dragoons.
Max: I do try.
Celia Dunesend: "Lance, I can tell you're tougher than that, so get back up on your feet!"
Lance Brandt: I am on my feet!
Jhanei: Ahhn. We gotta fair bit more over here, by the by, Cap'n.
* Tilus rolls: 1d6 Celia uses Inspiring Word on Lance! You burn an HS and heal your HS value plus this! => 5
Lance Brandt: Lance Brandt recovers 12 HP.
* Celia Dunesend approaches closer in the meantime.
Lance Brandt: (( lol, exactly bloodied ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( Gonna use Healer's Mercy next turn ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( which wants you all bloodied ))
Celia Dunesend: "And Meryl! You've created an opening, strike that goblin again!"
Lance Brandt: (( I'd hold off ))
Lance Brandt: (( I think Meryl's stuff calls for bloodied ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( It's a may ability, and also gives you a +2 to attack ))
* Celia Dunesend uses Commander's Strike! Meryl, make another melee basic with +4 to damage.
Meryl Kincaid: (( I actually don't have those powers ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Also! ))
Meryl Kincaid:
Melee Basic • Standard • Weapon
Bunka dunka!
Attack = 23 vs. AC       Rolled: 17     Bonuses: 6
Damage = 16   Physical       Rolled: 10     Bonuses: 6
Goblin Brigand 2: face no why you failed me
Goblin Brigand 2: Goblin Brigand 2 loses 16 HP.
Lance Brandt: (( Buka Dunka indeed ))
Lance Brandt: (( bunka* ))
Celia Dunesend: (( Done ))
Jhanei: Haah. Not bad.
Meryl Kincaid: (( also how far does Healer's Mercy go? ))
Cid has received initiative.
Cid: You two are taking notes, I hope.
Zorya Whiteshield: (( Burst 3 ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Because I could go charge off and die ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Ok I'll hold off ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( She goes before your next turn anyway ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( I go before you ))
Max: I... am not sure how much we can do from learning by axes.
Christina DeMarsey: (( You move 6 Furu ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( When I knock an enemy to 0 I can charge ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( 30 ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Each square is 5 feet ))
Salome: (( Diagonal counts as 1. ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Yeah the thing counts properly this time ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Also, since I killed him ~temp HP~ ))
Cid: (( There, that was 30. ))
Salome: (( Ah, ok. ))
Meryl Kincaid: Meryl Kincaid recovers 3 HP.
Christina DeMarsey: (( You can move again if you want ))
Max: (( You can still attack, kinda, I think. ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Or uhh...what's the range on your weapon? ))
Cid: (( I HAVE NO IDEA let me check ))
Max: (( You can attack from there but you take a -2 penalty to the roll since it's at long range. ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( If it's range 20 you could attack one of those three there ))
Max: (( (since 10/20) ))
Cid: (( eh I'll just move up a bit ))
Cid: Gentlemen. And ladies.
Jhanei: Cap'n.
* Goblin Brigand 1 choom
* Fleed rolls: 1d20 => 13
Lance Brandt: (( no choom? ))
* BloodHawk caw caw, bitches
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+6 => 18 + 6 = 24
Cid: Why is there a hawk in a mine? They use air currents to fly.
* Fleed rolls: 1d6+5 => 1 + 5 = 6
Lance Brandt: (( clearly its riding on methane ))
Lance Brandt: (( wait ))
Meryl Kincaid: Ah dun think th'bird cares.
* BloodHawk claws Christina's goddamn eyes
Christina DeMarsey: Christina DeMarsey loses 6 HP.
Cid: Good answer.
Lance Brandt: (( *suddenly everything around Lance explodes (no)* ))
Christina DeMarsey: Either way it's claws certainly work quite well.
Christina DeMarsey: (( its ))
Goblin Furrier: 'Ey, haha, s'a good boy. Who's gettin' a treat?
Lance Brandt: (( or was it CO2? ))
Crixsara has received initiative.
Meryl Kincaid: Ah've gotta treat fer 'im.
Zorya Whiteshield: "That looked painful..."
Meryl Kincaid: (( An by treat ah mean fried chicken. ))
Christina DeMarsey: I'll live.
Meryl Kincaid: An by treat ah mean fried chicken.
Lance Brandt: (( something minors sent birds in to see if there was gases ))
* Salome twitches her tail and flattens her ears as the bird talks back to the goblin.
Meryl Kincaid: An by 'im ah mean me.
Lance Brandt: (( miners* ))
Lance Brandt: (( I CAN TYPE ))
Meryl Kincaid: Basically ah'm gonna eatcher bird.
Lance Brandt: That seems unlikely
Salome: (( ...It's Yelling Bird from QC. ))
Crixsara: Chi, *kupo*. How rude.
Meryl Kincaid: Aww, ah'm flattered. Ah'll only eatcha after ah kill ya.
Goblin Furrier: S'a great boid.
Cid: Ah, I see. Its flight is propelled by pure rage.
BloodHawk: (( Umb it's your turn, by the way. ))
Lance Brandt: (( fleed burd ))
Christina DeMarsey: That doesn't make any sense.
Meryl Kincaid: (( Now we just need Randy the Bandicoot to show up ))
Cid: Neither does a talking bird.
Magical Accelerant • Minor • N/A
Crixsara shoots a foe with a shell containing a magical mixture intended to make the target more susceptible to magic gunner rounds.
Effect: Target creature becomes covered in a magical accelerant. If the creature is later hit by a Magic Gunner attack, they may choose to deal an extra 1d6 damage. This damage can only be triggered once per turn.
Crixsara: Enough of this.
Dark Shot (Spirit charge) • Standard - Melee Touch/Ranged 10 • Arcane, Implement, Necrotic, Psychic
Crixsara shoots a magical bullet infused with darkness at an enemy, which saps their mind and distracts them momentarily.
Attack = 5 vs. Fort       Rolled: 1     Bonuses: 4
Damage = 9   Necrotic/Psychic       Rolled: 5     Bonuses: 4     Special: 1     Critical: 0
Hit: Target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
Potential Bonuses: Hidden Sniper (Gain CA against target if you have concealment against it)
Zorya Whiteshield: (( ouch ))
Zorya Whiteshield has received initiative.
* Zorya Whiteshield spreads her hands wide and fills them with soft silver light. It spreads out in a ring and washes over her new friends!
Crixsara: Or did I, *kupo*?
Meryl Kincaid: (( Officially requesting to change the Blood Hawk to the Dread Hawk ))
Zorya Whiteshield:
Healer's Mercy • Free Action - Close Burst 3 • Divine, Healing, Channel Divinity
There there. Let me make it all better.
Attack = 0 vs. Reflex       Rolled: 0     Bonuses: 0
Effect: Each bloodied ally in the burst can spend a healing surge. You are weakened until the end of your next turn.
Effect: All allies within the burst who spend a healing surge gain +2 to attack.
Lance Brandt: (( thats its pallete swap ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( You're weakened or we're weakened? ))
Salome: (( Zorya is. ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( I'm weakened. ))
Cid: (( the next level up in the Cave Bird family. ))
Christina DeMarsey: Christina DeMarsey recovers 8 HP.
Meryl Kincaid: Meryl Kincaid recovers 7 HP.
Lance Brandt: (( atleast its not cave monkeys ))
* Zorya Whiteshield lowers her sleeve again and fires a shot at Da Boid!
Meryl Kincaid: (( Hey Lance Vance, maybe you should heal ))
Zorya Whiteshield:
Sacred Flame • Standard - Ranged 5 • Divine, Implement, Radiant
I'm very sorry, but I'm going to have ta get rough witchyas.
Attack = 12 vs. Reflex       Rolled: 6     Bonuses: 6
Damage = 5   Radiant       Rolled: 1     Bonuses: 4     Special: 0     Critical: 0
Hit: One Ally you can see can choose to gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma (+2) + 1/2 your level or to make a saving throw.
Christina DeMarsey: (( I want my boid. ))
Lance Brandt: Lance Brandt recovers 7 HP.
* Zorya Whiteshield wilts in her heavy robe, panting and gasping. "Th-there. Feel better?"
Goblin Furrier: 'Ey, hey, buddy, go get 'em.
Meryl Kincaid: Right as rain, gonna bring th' pain!
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+6 => 15 + 6 = 21
* Fleed rolls: 1d6+5 => 6 + 5 = 11
Zorya Whiteshield: (( ))
Christina DeMarsey: Christina DeMarsey loses 11 HP.
Dreadhawk Blood Hawk: FUCK YOU AND YOUR MOTHER
Lance Brandt: (( well this is going poorly ))
* Christina DeMarsey narrows her eyes at the bird.
* Goblin Furrier shakes a treat bag!
Dreadhawk Blood Hawk: FUCK YES SNACKY TIMES
Christina DeMarsey: (( So the bird gets its own turn and gets to act on his or is he like warlording him? ))
* Dreadhawk Blood Hawk flies back to his cage and perches on top of the goblin!
Lance Brandt: (( oh hey ))
Dreadhawk Blood Hawk: (( Furrier is basically the warlord for the hawk. Transfers standard to it. ))
Lance Brandt has received initiative.
* Goblin Brigand 2 feels bad, man
* Fleed rolls: 1d20 => 10
Zorya Whiteshield: (( Remember your +2
Zorya Whiteshield: to attack ))
Goblin Furrier: Ah, jeez, it's you guys.
* Lance Brandt approaches the furrier, gives crazy eye look as his sword suddenly becomes engulfed in gree fire, "GETTER FIRE BLADE"
Lance Brandt: Greenflame Blade (Hit): « 1d20+6 = 6 + 6 = 12 » vs. AC
Lance Brandt: (( I hate you kid ))
Cid: (( goblin furrier is the secret main character ))
Lance Brandt: (( oh wait ))
Lance Brandt: (( +2 ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Was that including the +2 from ...yeah ))
Lance Brandt: Greenflame Blade (Damage): « 1d10+4 = 2 + 4 = 6 » Fire damage, and 4 fire damage to all enemies adjacent to target.
Meryl Kincaid: THERE YA GO
* Goblin Furrier would like one of those hats the Brigands have, oh god pain
Goblin Furrier: Goblin Furrier loses 6 HP.
Dreadhawk Blood Hawk: Dreadhawk Blood Hawk loses 4 HP.
* Lance Brandt marks the fucking burd
* Meryl Kincaid stamps her foot.
Dreadhawk Blood Hawk: YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME?
Celia Dunesend: "Like a bag of kittens? Is *that* the best you can come up with?"
* Lance Brandt ooc grins, "I'll burn you both alive."
Lance Brandt: (( I dunno where the ooc came from ))
Lance Brandt: (( YOU SAW NOTHING ))
* Goblin Alchemist ehh, hmm.
* Goblin Alchemist pulls out a black iron sphere, and lobs it toward the party, quite casually.
Salome: (( FUCKING BOMB TOSS. ))
Salome: (( DROP IT. DROP IT. ))
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+6 v Salome Reflex => 10 + 6 = 16
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+6 v Celia Reflex => 17 + 6 = 23
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+6 v Christina Reflex => 14 + 6 = 20
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+6 v Meryl Reflex => 8 + 6 = 14
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+6 v Crixsara Reflex => 17 + 6 = 23
* Fleed rolls: 1d8+2 => 5 + 2 = 7
Salome: Salome loses 7 HP.
Celia Dunesend: Celia Dunesend loses 7 HP.
Christina DeMarsey: Christina DeMarsey loses 7 HP.
Meryl Kincaid: Meryl Kincaid loses 7 HP.
Crixsara: Crixsara loses 7 HP.
Christina DeMarsey: These goblins are annoying.
Goblin Alchemist: Mmm. Successful experiment.
Jhanei: Ah, jeez. Cap'n, s'all gettin' a bit outta hand, y'know?
Cid: That was an experiment? I was building toys like that when I was five.
Cid: We're not leaving these people behind. Skewer the little bastards.
Jhanei: Haha now you're talkin' my language.
Meryl Kincaid: Ah like yer style.
* Jhanei TOH
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+7 => 6 + 7 = 13
Jhanei: ...ah.
Celia Dunesend: (( And the NPCs are no better. ))
Christina DeMarsey has received initiative.
Cid: (( hey fleed do you have a token for when i summon my robot ))
Lance Brandt: (( JHANEI YOU ARE USELESS ))
* Christina DeMarsey HEALS HERSELF
Meryl Kincaid: (( So who do we want dead first? ))
Jhanei: (( Uhh. N-no? ))
Christina DeMarsey: Christina DeMarsey recovers 8 HP.
Jhanei: (( ...yes ))
Celia Dunesend: (( I dunno if I want to off the falconer or the alchemist or that foul fowl first. ))
Cid: (( see now you're going to make my blow my daily just to see what it does ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( I'm going to go for the Alchemist ))
Dreadhawk Blood Hawk: (( MAYBE YOU CAN EAT A DICK ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( kill the wabbit ))
Salome: (( I would say the person doing AoEs is the biggest threat. ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Well the pain train is leaving the station, so pick a destination ))
Lance Brandt: (( I thought you were eating dicks ))
Cid: (( kill the alchemist ))
Christina DeMarsey:
Divine Pursuit • Standard • Divine, Weapon
You drive your foe back with a mighty attack and follow it to prevent its escape.
Attack = 13 vs. AC       Rolled: 5     Bonuses: 8
Damage = 10   Physical       Rolled: 6     Bonuses: 4
Hit: You push the target a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier (+2). You then shift to the nearest square adjacent to the target.  
Goblin Alchemist: Oh, my.
Cid: (( cid and lance and the npcs can handle the bird bros ))
Celia Dunesend: (( Kay ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Is his AC boosted at all? ))
* Goblin Alchemist is... somewhat more resilient, due to alchemical components, so forth, all that, you wouldn't understand it's far too intelligent for someone like you.
Goblin Alchemist: (( Nope, base AC. ))
Christina DeMarsey:
Heroic Effort • Minor • Humes are Awesome
You call upon your furious nature to improve your odds of harming your foe.
Effect: If you miss with an attack or fail a saving throw, you gain a +4 racial bonus to the attack roll or the saving throw
Christina DeMarsey: (( That plus the bonus from Zorya ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( :V ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Actually scratch that. I can't do it ))
Goblin Alchemist: (( Yes you could...? ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( You can hit him exactly ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( No I can't. I don't have a minor action left ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Oh, right ))
Goblin Alchemist: (( Oh. ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( You touched yourself ))
Goblin Alchemist: (( ...That's a minor? Weird. ))
Lance Brandt: (( I'd have thought that'd be a free or immediate ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Oh wait ))
Goblin Alchemist: (( It's No Action. ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( It is no action. I just listed it wrong ))
Goblin Alchemist: (( You totally can. ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Ok then! ))
* Goblin Alchemist cannot quite grasp the concept of plain old courage, apparently. How frustrating.
Goblin Alchemist: Goblin Alchemist loses 10 HP.
Meryl Kincaid has received initiative.
Christina DeMarsey: (( Sadly marking IS a minor action ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Is this space legal? ))
Goblin Alchemist: (( Lemme draw stuff in. I'm gonna say no. ))
Goblin Alchemist: (( The space to its immediate right is, however. ))
* Meryl Kincaid rolls her shoulder and takes off towards the alchemist.
Zorya Whiteshield: (( boom~ ))
Cid: (( we're inside the cave's bladder ))
Goblin Alchemist: Errhm.
Meryl Kincaid: HI FUCKER!
Meryl Kincaid:
Avalanche Strike • Standard • Primal, Weapon
Here comes th' pain!
Attack = 14 vs. AC       Rolled: 8     Bonuses: 6
Damage = 30   Physical       Rolled: 20     Bonuses: 10     Special: 0     Critical: 0
Effect: Enemies gain +4 to hit you until start of your next turn.
Meryl Kincaid:
Heroic Effort • No Action • Personal
Effect: Add +4 racial bonus to a missed attack roll or failed saving throw.
Zorya Whiteshield: (( hot damn ))
Goblin Alchemist: You uncouth ruffow god
Goblin Alchemist: Goblin Alchemist loses 30 HP.
Lance Brandt: (( DEATH ))
Meryl Kincaid: GUESS WHAT
Meryl Kincaid: GO AHEAD, GUESS
Goblin Alchemist: your mother was a whore
Meryl Kincaid: WRONG!
Lance Brandt: (( WRONG ANSWER ))
Meryl Kincaid: IT'S AXE!
Meryl Kincaid:
Running Riot • Minor • Divine, Weapon
Attack = 19 vs. AC       Rolled: 13     Bonuses: 6
Damage = 5   Physical       Rolled: 3     Bonuses: 2     Special: 0     Critical: 0
Req: Must have hit an enemy with a weapon attack this turn.
Lance Brandt: (( LET ME AXE YOU SUMTHIN ))
Goblin Alchemist: Goblin Alchemist loses 5 HP.
* Fleed rolls: 1d20 => 13
Meryl Kincaid: Meryl Kincaid recovers 3 HP.
Meryl Kincaid: HEY YOU!
Meryl Kincaid: BIRD FUCKER!
Meryl Kincaid:
Swift Charge • Free Action • Personal
Effect: After reducing an enemy to 0 HP, charge a second enemy.
Meryl Kincaid:
Howling Strike • Standard • Primal, Weapon
Ah'm comin' fer ya!
Attack = 18 vs. AC       Rolled: 12     Bonuses: 6
Damage = 14   Physical       Rolled: 8     Bonuses: 6     Special: 1     Critical: 0
Special: May use while charging and +2 to charge distance if raging.
Goblin Furrier: I am not a PAIN
Lance Brandt: (( yay murder ))
Goblin Furrier: Goblin Furrier loses 14 HP.
Meryl Kincaid: (( Welcome to Barbarians ))
Dreadhawk Blood Hawk: AWWWW NO
Dreadhawk Blood Hawk: OOHHHHH SHIT
Lance Brandt: (( welp ))
* Meryl Kincaid spits to the side and grins.
Lance Brandt: (( if he's not dead by my turn all I have to do is hit the bird ))
Salome has received initiative.
Lance Brandt: Get killed by the, apparently
Lance Brandt: (( them* ))
Salome: (( ...shadow step is so underwhelming. ))
* Cid meanwhile has a tea party with everyone still up the tunnel
Lance Brandt: (( I think there are feats to boost it ))
Christina DeMarsey: That is not very polite language
* Salome shrouds the bird.
Lance Brandt: (( like making it so you can use it to pop out from a crowd of enemies ))
* Salome then nooses that bitch.
Salome: (( Shroud is invisible, btw. >_> ))
Executioner's Noose • Standard • Force, Implement, Shadow
You gather shadows into the form of a noose, cast it around your foe's neck, and pull.
Attack = 16 vs. AC       Rolled: 12     Bonuses: 4
Damage = 6   Physical       Rolled: 2     Bonuses: 4
Hit: Pull the target 2 squares. The target is slowed until the end of your next turn. +4 damage if target is adjacent to no other enemies.  
Lance Brandt: (( the bird is that fucked ))
Dreadhawk Blood Hawk: (( You got that feat? ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( He has birdsense ))
Cid: (( choking the chicken ))
Lance Brandt: (( it can feel it ))
Dreadhawk Blood Hawk: Dreadhawk Blood Hawk loses 6 HP.
* Salome yanks it 2 squares.
* Salome just very darkly grins.
Lance Brandt: (( grins, running a thumb over the blade of his sword, "you do that." ))
Lance Brandt: (( /me* ))
* Goblin Ambusher 2 steps back, and takes aim at Meryl!
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+11 => 11 + 11 = 22
Cid: (( Goblin Ambusher gets as far as way from the crazy lady as possible ))
* Fleed rolls: 1d8+3 => 6 + 3 = 9
Meryl Kincaid: Meryl Kincaid loses 9 HP.
Lance Brandt: (( and then gets cornered ))
* Goblin Ambusher 1 pfuhhhbye
* Goblin Ambusher 1 throws sparkly powder!
Lance Brandt: (( PERCEPTION TIME? ))
Max: One may well be escaping, Captain.
Zorya Whiteshield: (( lookit him run ))
Cid: Coward. Max, memorize that goblin so that if we see it again I can shoot it in the back.
Max: Duly noted.
* Max leap!
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+7 => 7 + 7 = 14
* Fleed rolls: 1d8+3 => 2 + 3 = 5
Goblin Ambusher 2: Goblin Ambusher 2 loses 5 HP.
Lance Brandt: (( pff ))
Celia Dunesend has received initiative.
Celia Dunesend: (( Who should I heal, Meryl or Christina? ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( Whoever you don't heal, I will. ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Meryl is closer to guys ))
Salome: (( Did the goblin turn invisible or like.. teleport? ))
Max: (( It's invisible. ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( Or I could even heal both! ))
Lance Brandt: (( invisibo ))
Lance Brandt: (( and ran ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Ok back, got called away for a sec ))
Celia Dunesend: (( Yeah, Meryl it is. ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( What got me, the furrier? ))
Max: (( Ambusher. ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Aha ))
Lance Brandt: (( the guy in the corner ))
Celia Dunesend: "Meryl! Shake that pain off, don't let it get to you!"
* Tilus rolls: 1d6 Inspiring Word, burn a HS and heal HS value + this => 3
Meryl Kincaid: Meryl Kincaid recovers 10 HP.
Goblin Furrier: Ah, this is bad.
Celia Dunesend: "And Lance! Make that bird-brained bird shut up, will you?"
Dreadhawk Blood Hawk: SUCK IT UP YOU LOAD
Meryl Kincaid: Ya got no idea.
* Lance Brandt grins and hacks
Lance Brandt: Sword (Hit): « 1d20+6 = 11 + 6 = 17 » vs. AC
Lance Brandt: Sword (Damage): « 1d10+4 = 8 + 4 = 12 »
Dreadhawk Blood Hawk: Dreadhawk Blood Hawk loses 12 HP.
* Celia Dunesend uses Commander's Strike! Make a Melee Basic Attack at +1 to hit and +4 to damage.
Dreadhawk Blood Hawk: Dreadhawk Blood Hawk loses 4 HP.
Celia Dunesend: (( Done ))
Cid has received initiative.
Zorya Whiteshield: (( gonna divine glow it up in here
Zorya Whiteshield: (( no shoot the other ambusher ))
* Lance Brandt lets out a laugh, "You'll be a roast before you get the chance bird."
Meryl Kincaid: (( Shoot the J ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( SHOOT IT ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( number 2
Cid: (( can I hit him from here without getting range fucked ))
Lance Brandt: (( also I'd like to mention I can probably blast both of these guys at once ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( I've got the two doing the 1hp dance ))
Dreadhawk Blood Hawk: (( Ambusher is just out of normal range. ))
Cid: (( I've got one more space in my move would that help ))
Salome: (( If I could see invisible, and then shroud the goblin, would I be able to track it since I can see my own shrouds? ))
Dreadhawk Blood Hawk: (( If you can find it. ))
Dreadhawk Blood Hawk: (( Yeah, you can move one more space. ))
* Cid aims at the ambusher, charges her gun up, and fires
Cid: (( MAGIC WEAPON so versus AC ))
Goblin Ambusher 2: why do i hear ether whining
Lance Brandt: (( can you move down one more? ))
* Franky rolls: 1d20+5 => 19 + 5 = 24
Crixsara: (( No wagic weapon for folks. ))
Lance Brandt: (( since magic weapon's thing is adjacent ))
Cid: roll 1d10+4
* Franky rolls: 1d10+4 => 5 + 4 = 9
Goblin Ambusher 2: (( I don't think he can move down but he can still be fine with moving left and granting magic weapon bonus. ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( It's just for now, he can properly position later ))
Goblin Ambusher 2: Goblin Ambusher 2 loses 9 HP.
Meryl Kincaid: (( YOU'RE THE MAN NOW, DOG ))
Cid: (( have a +1 to hit and +3 damage ))
* Dreadhawk Blood Hawk claws Lance!
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+6 => 10 + 6 = 16
* Dreadhawk Blood Hawk does not claw Lance. Too angry.
Crixsara has received initiative.
* Lance Brandt cackles
Christina DeMarsey: (( Oh man. Leave the bird alive until my turn. ))
Celia Dunesend: (( I'd say off the furry now. ))
Lance Brandt: (( also aggravating force is really nice for these maps ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( I agree ))
Salome: (( Where was the goblin before it disappeared? ))
Salome: (( Ok ))
Lance Brandt: (( it probably ran off though ))
Dreadhawk Blood Hawk: (( Umb? ))
Lance Brandt: (( oh no the mogle ))
Crixsara: This has taken too long, *kupo*
Magical Accelerant • Minor • N/A
Crixsara shoots a foe with a shell containing a magical mixture intended to make the target more susceptible to magic gunner rounds.
Effect: Target creature becomes covered in a magical accelerant. If the creature is later hit by a Magic Gunner attack, they may choose to deal an extra 1d6 damage. This damage can only be triggered once per turn.
Goblin Furrier: Ewww.
Crixsara: As for you.
* Crixsara takes aim at the bird and fires again
Dark Shot • Standard - Melee Touch/Ranged 10 • Arcane, Implement, Necrotic, Psychic
Crixsara shoots a magical bullet infused with darkness at an enemy, which saps their mind and distracts them momentarily.
Attack = 24 vs. Fort       Rolled: 20     Bonuses: 4
Damage = 12   Necrotic/Psychic       Rolled: 8     Bonuses: 4     Critical: 0
Hit: Target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
Potential Bonuses: Hidden Sniper (Gain CA against target if you have concealment against it)
Celia Dunesend: (( HIT THE FURRY ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( BOOSH ))
Lance Brandt: (( thats slightly overkill Kid ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( ))
Dreadhawk Blood Hawk: Dreadhawk Blood Hawk loses 12 HP.
Spirit Charger • Free • N/A
Crixsara's use of magical accelerants allows her to harvest tiny fragments of the creature's spirit or essence, allowing you to increase the effect of some attacks.
Effect: Recover a Spirit Charge use. Only one Spirit Charge can be held at a time.
Zorya Whiteshield: (( i was gonna aoe them all ))
Lance Brandt: (( well entirely overkill sure ))
Zorya Whiteshield has received initiative.
Zorya Whiteshield: (( .__. ))
Lance Brandt: (( can you seal the furry? ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Can you do curse damage to the ferrier or does this work different from Kuro? ))
Celia Dunesend: (( Don't seal the furry, kill it ))
Celia Dunesend: (( Its' turn is coming up. ))
Goblin Furrier: Why y'gotta be a dick an' kill m'boid. ._.
Zorya Whiteshield: (( i think he wants the heal off of it ))
Lance Brandt: (( sealing it makes it easier to kill ))
Meryl Kincaid: We'll sendya to 'im.
Lance Brandt: (( but eh ))
Meryl Kincaid: After ah eat 'im
Celia Dunesend: (( Like, it's turn is right after Zorya. ))
Goblin Furrier: Inn't makin' me feel much better.
* Zorya Whiteshield 's eyes glow an ugly purple.
Zorya Whiteshield:
Sacred Flame • Standard - Ranged 5 • Divine, Implement, Psychic
You go this far and no further!
Attack = 12 vs. Reflex       Rolled: 6     Bonuses: 6
Damage = 8   Psychic       Rolled: 4     Bonuses: 4     Special: 0     Critical: 0
Hit: Your allies gain a +1 bonus to attack against the target until the end of your next turn. If the target attacks you before the end of your next turn, the bonus rises to +3.
Cid: I almost feel sorry.
Celia Dunesend: (( KIIIIIIIIID ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( what, no, that is Will ))
Goblin Furrier: (( Still doesn't hit. ))
Lance Brandt: (( 12 vs. 13 still :/ ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( SERRA ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( WHERE ARE YOU ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( bah ))
Celia Dunesend: (( Sorry, your mindflayer psion is in another game. ))
* Zorya Whiteshield action points, does it again! seriosuly fuck that guy
Zorya Whiteshield:
Sacred Flame • Standard - Ranged 5 • Divine, Implement, Psychic
You go this far and no further!
Attack = 16 vs. Will       Rolled: 10     Bonuses: 6
Damage = 10   Psychic       Rolled: 6     Bonuses: 4     Special: 0     Critical: 0
Hit: Your allies gain a +1 bonus to attack against the target until the end of your next turn. If the target attacks you before the end of your next turn, the bonus rises to +3.
Zorya Whiteshield: (( or wait ))
Lance Brandt: (( also I think thats titled wrong ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( it totally is ))
* Zorya Whiteshield also waves her staff at Christina for heals.
Goblin Furrier: oh snap this is fire also dying everything is regret
Zorya Whiteshield:
Healing Word • Minor Action - Close Burst 5 • Divine, Healing
Please, let me make you feel better.
Attack = 0 vs. Will       Rolled: 0     Bonuses: 0
Effect: One creature in the burst may spend a healing surge and regains 1d6+Wisdom (4) additional hit points.
Effect: All allies within the burst gain +2 to attack.
Goblin Furrier: Goblin Furrier loses 10 HP.
* Fleed rolls: 1d20 => 12
Christina DeMarsey: Christina DeMarsey recovers 12 HP.
Christina DeMarsey: (( Oh wait ))
* Mechalomaniac rolls: 1d6 => 6
Christina DeMarsey: Christina DeMarsey recovers 6 HP.
Zorya Whiteshield:
Healing Word • Minor Action - Close Burst 5 • Divine, Healing
Please, let me make you feel better.
Effect: One creature in the burst may spend a healing surge and regains 1d6+Wisdom (4) additional hit points.
Effect: All allies within the burst gain +2 to attack.
Zorya Whiteshield: (( There we go ))
Crixsara: (( I think think it has that burst effect...? ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( +2 to attack, yes. ))
Cid: Max, if that last one gets away then when we return you are going in the box.
Max: Me...?!
Christina DeMarsey: (( Just have both effects be on one line ))
Lance Brandt has received initiative.
* Goblin Furrier turns purple, fades away
Cid: I will build a box.
* Lance Brandt points his sword at the ambusher and grin, "You're next, freak."
Max: I don't... ._.
Lance Brandt: Sword (Hit - Charge): « 1d20+9 = 13 + 9 = 22 » vs. AC
Lance Brandt: Sword (Damage): « 1d10+4 = 5 + 4 = 9 »
Goblin Ambusher 2: BLARG
Goblin Ambusher 2: Goblin Ambusher 2 loses 9 HP.
* Lance Brandt also marks
* Goblin Alchemist appears to be dead! Fascinating!
Jhanei: Ah, hell, only one of 'em left, this is no fun anymore.
* Jhanei JUMP
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+7 => 18 + 7 = 25
Lance Brandt: (( SPLAT ))
* Fleed rolls: 1d8+5 => 8 + 5 = 13
Goblin Ambusher 2: Goblin Ambusher 2 loses 13 HP.
* Goblin Ambusher 2 halberded
* Fleed rolls: 1d20 => 4
Jhanei: Ah-ha! Tha's how you shank a monster!
Christina DeMarsey has received initiative.
Cid: Very well done.
* Christina DeMarsey holds action for the invisible one to reappear
* Meryl Kincaid taps the pommel of her axe on the ground.
Meryl Kincaid has received initiative.
Meryl Kincaid: C'mout c'mout w'er y'are... so's ah kin make yer head go bunka bunka~
Lance Brandt: (( suddenly battleship ))
Jhanei: (( Holding? ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( A3 ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Unless I can find them with a check or wandering around, yeah ))
Fleed: (( Eh... might as well try perception if you want. ))
* Blaine rolls: 1d20+6 => 7 + 6 = 13
Fleed: Well, you know where he was.
Salome: (( I can gain blindsense, but only for a round. ))
Meryl Kincaid: Ah hate th' invisible ones. Such a chore.
* Meryl Kincaid just gonna stand around, then.
Lance Brandt: (( MEDIUM ))
Salome has received initiative.
* Salome looks around where the goblin was for any tracks, perhaps?
* Salome rolls: 1d20+5 Perception => 4 + 5 = 9
Lance Brandt: (( onore ))
Salome: (( F you Kid. >( ))
Fleed: You ain't seen shit, Cap'n.
* Lance Brandt I'm gonna have to go around sword bursting everywhere aren't I?
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+10 => 5 + 10 = 15
Fleed: Perception... again.
Lance Brandt: Perception: « 1d20+4 = 19 + 4 = 23 »
Lance Brandt: (( I seeeee you *crazyface* ))
Cid: We'll flush it out according to the scientific method. I will fire randomly around the cavern until we hear the goblin scream.
Fleed: Lance... at least knows that last goblin is not actually in the cave.
Fleed: Or... well, this room, to be better-worded.
Lance Brandt: (( alcove? ))
Fleed: (( I'm sticking with "room." ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Cul-de-cave ))
* Lance Brandt growls, "He probably ran off into another tunnel, the fucker."
Fleed: We say "room" because this is apparently some sort of hideout barracks for the goblins you just murdered up.
Christina DeMarsey: Language.
Fleed: (( The rest of you can check, you know. ))
Zorya Whiteshield: "Um... hold hands and wait for him?
* Franky rolls: 1d20+8 => 9 + 8 = 17
Zorya Whiteshield: "OH MY GOSH THERE HE IS."
* Zorya Whiteshield falls over.
Goblin Ambusher 1: Ah, jeez.
* Goblin Ambusher 1 aims at Cid! Eff you, crone, you and your eyes.
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+9 => 8 + 9 = 17
* Fleed rolls: 1d8+3 => 3 + 3 = 6
Cid: Cid loses 6 HP.
Cid: Hmph.
* Goblin Ambusher 1 books it the fuck outta there
Max: Captain?
Cid: He hurt me. Eradicate him.
Max: As you say.
Max: Excuse me.
* Max has REACH, eat it
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+7 => 16 + 7 = 23
* Fleed rolls: 1d8+3 => 6 + 3 = 9
Lance Brandt: (( he ate it ))
Goblin Ambusher 1: Goblin Ambusher 1 loses 9 HP.
Meryl Kincaid: (( He has reach AND flexibility ))
Celia Dunesend has received initiative.
Celia Dunesend: (( Hmmmmmm. ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Can we who held our actions go? ))
Fleed: (( Oh, sure. ))
Fleed: (( Just say when, I guess. ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Eh after Tilus and Furu I guess ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Seeing as I took a check I'm gonna assume I didn't hold my turn, just did fuck-all with it ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Ok no I've apparently been holding according to the init tracker ))
Fleed: (( Eh, I put you on hold, I can take you off. ))
Salome: (( I'm on hold as well? ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Your call, I'm not sure if making a perception check counts as using my turn ))
Fleed: (( I figured sure. ))
Fleed: (( Minor action, I don't really care. ))
Fleed: (( Anyway, someone do a thing. ))
Celia Dunesend: (( Alright ))
Celia Dunesend: "Thought you could get away that easily?! Think again!"
* Celia Dunesend breaks out a spear, chucks it at the fleeing ambusher!
Meryl Kincaid: (( I'll go after Cid, just because ease ))
* Tilus rolls: 1d20+8 Ranged basic attack, vs AC => 6 + 8 = 14
* Goblin Ambusher 1 is now speared twice! What cruel fate decrees?!
* Tilus rolls: 1d6+3 Damage => 4 + 3 = 7
Goblin Ambusher 1: Goblin Ambusher 1 loses 7 HP.
Celia Dunesend: (( That was actually a javelin, by the way. ))
Celia Dunesend: (( And done. ))
Cid has received initiative.
Crixsara: (( Javelins are just spears that you throw. ))
Celia Dunesend: (( Indeed. ))
Cid: Prepare for retribution.
Goblin Ambusher 1: can i call a time out to prepare
Crixsara: (( YOU ARE NOT PREPARED ))
* Cid answers with magical energy bullet to the face
Cid: roll 1d20+6
* Franky rolls: 1d20+5 => 12 + 5 = 17
Lance Brandt: (( I just use brackets ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Yes. And eventually you'll start doing /roll to schala ))
* Franky rolls: 1d10+4 => 9 + 4 = 13
Goblin Ambusher 1: Goblin Ambusher 1 loses 13 HP.
Meryl Kincaid has received initiative.
Goblin Ambusher 1: retribution feels a lot like dying
Christina DeMarsey: (( I'll go after Meryl ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Double move, end turn ))
Goblin Ambusher 1: (( Don't you have that +2 to movement on charge power? ))
Goblin Ambusher 1: (( Or was that encounter? ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Only while raging ))
Goblin Ambusher 1: (( Ah. ))
Christina DeMarsey has received initiative.
Salome has received initiative.
Goblin Ambusher 1: (( ...whoah ))
Goblin Ambusher 1: (( Huh~ ))
Goblin Ambusher 1: (( Continue, anyway, Mechperson's turn. ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( ACTION POINT ))
Christina DeMarsey: Surrender now, and you might yet live.
* Mechalomaniac rolls: 1d20+7 Demand Surrender vs Will => 17 + 7 = 24
Goblin Ambusher 1: maaan
* Salome double-moves, done.
Goblin Ambusher 1: silenix was right you guys are dicks
Lance Brandt: (( also Go: you can hit space while moving to do more precise movements ))
Max: We've, er, "got" him, Captain.
Salome: (( Ah. Thanks. ))
Cid: This isn't really sporting, but I don't care.
Lance Brandt: If you don't off him I will
* Zorya Whiteshield scampers up and taps Celia with her staff, heals!
Christina DeMarsey: No, you will not. He's surrendered.
Lance Brandt: So did the last one
Zorya Whiteshield: (( go go healing word on celia ))
Lance Brandt: And guess where we are again
Celia Dunesend: (( What's the bonus healing? ))
Zorya Whiteshield: "Let's... let's make sure he doesn't get away again."
Zorya Whiteshield: ((1d6+4)
Jhanei: We can make do with the shankin', all that.
* Tilus rolls: 1d6+4 Bonus healing! => 6 + 4 = 10
Celia Dunesend: Celia Dunesend recovers 12 HP.
Crixsara: Crixsara recovers 6 HP.
Christina DeMarsey: And that one wasn't here. Tie him up, but we're not murderers.
Celia Dunesend: "Thanks for the assistance."
Goblin Ambusher 1: man what do you guys call that
Lance Brandt: Fine, but if I get one more arrow shot at me out of nowhere...!
Christina DeMarsey: Combat. You attacked us.
Goblin Ambusher 1: Well get out.
Christina DeMarsey: Did your people build this mine?
Goblin Ambusher 1: No, not really.
Christina DeMarsey: Then you are intruders as well.
* Zorya Whiteshield beams up at Celia.
Goblin Ambusher 1: Someone shows up when no one shows up it ain't really intrudin', more like uh.
Celia Dunesend: "Hmm?"
Goblin Ambusher 1: Appropriatinin'.
Zorya Whiteshield: "Anytime~"
* Lance Brandt taps his sword against the ground, "We're also looking for a rather large monster, you wouldn't happen to know about that would you?"
Goblin Ambusher 1: uhhh
Goblin Ambusher 1: Uh.
* Cid cocks gun.
* Lance Brandt taps his sword impatiently
* Crixsara is taking the time to inspect her equipment while all this is happening
Goblin Ambusher 1: Like... the big boss, or somethin'?
* Christina DeMarsey holds out the flyer. "It looks like this."
Cid: Yes. The boss. Please do rub your two brain cells together.
Goblin Ambusher 1: haha you guys are so dumb
Goblin Ambusher 1: Boss'll wreck your faces, an' make new ones to wreck s'more.
Christina DeMarsey: So this creature is your boss?
* Lance Brandt growls at the insult
Goblin Ambusher 1: maybe we're on the wrong page
* Zorya Whiteshield fidgets in place. "...may I try?"
Goblin Ambusher 1: I... dunno whatcha talkin' about.
Lance Brandt: (( suddenly Zorya breaks the goblin's knees ))
Christina DeMarsey: This creature on the flier. You havn't seen it before?
Goblin Ambusher 1: oh that thing
* Zorya Whiteshield 's head tilts back, darkening her eyes as she looks down at the goblin. "Listen, chump. Yous gonna sing like a canary or else I'm gonna hafta get rough wit yas. Startin' wit dem knees."
Goblin Ambusher 1: what a dumb idea
* Celia Dunesend ...blinks. Well that came out of nowhere!
Goblin Ambusher 1: (( AND THEN CID WAS WALL ))
Cid: (( look she's an earthbender okay ))
* Zorya Whiteshield cracks her knuckles. "Well, knucklehead? Which is it gonna be?"
Cid: Jhanei, brandish your weapon menacingly. Max, be the good cop.
Goblin Ambusher 1: haha who is this broad
Max: Yes, Captain.
Jhanei: Done and done.
Celia Dunesend: (( Roll intimidate? ))
Meryl Kincaid: YOU
* Blaine rolls: 1d20+6 intimidate => 15 + 6 = 21
Meryl Kincaid: TALK.
Goblin Ambusher 1: why is everyone so rude and angry
* Zorya Whiteshield rolls: 1d20+3 I ain't got all day chump. => 18 + 3 = 21
Max: We just want to know what's going on.
Zorya Whiteshield: (( INTIMIDATE ))
Lance Brandt: Because you were trying to kill us just recently
Jhanei: ...Max.
Crixsara: They're getting impatient, *kupo*.
Christina DeMarsey: You've yet to give a straight answer. Now do you or do you not know where the creature in this picture is?
Goblin Ambusher 1: not saying anything, it's die here or die to boss so eff all y'all
Meryl Kincaid: KAY
Lance Brandt: (( I wish I had an actual intimidate score ))
* Goblin Ambusher 1 is probably well and axed. WELP
Goblin Ambusher 1: Goblin Ambusher 1 loses 28 HP.
* Fleed rolls: 1d20 => 13
Lance Brandt: Well that was useless
Meryl Kincaid: That was a waste'a time, let's go find more shit ta stab.
Zorya Whiteshield: (( man why didn't i take intimidate instead of insight ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( it woulda been perfect ))
Christina DeMarsey: Not entirely. We know he's more frightened of his boss than of us.
Jhanei: I like the way y'think.
Christina DeMarsey: (( Because like 3 other people in the party have intimidate ))
Jhanei: ...Wait why are you bumps here for me to appreciate yer thought processes.
Christina DeMarsey: (( Also Intimidate might not be an option for Clerics ))
* Zorya Whiteshield sighs and shrinks down into her robe, hood falling forward to cover her face.
Lance Brandt: (( also out of curiosity, would Lance be able to actually recognize Jhanei/Max as being from Feoria? ))
Cid: Yes, I would like to know that as well.
Meryl Kincaid: (( I of course trained Intimidate because the Barbarian pool for skills is tiny ))
Cid: Jhanei, brandish. Max, good cop.
Jhanei: (( Yeah, pretty easily. ))
* Jhanei brandish!
Christina DeMarsey: I'm looking for the creature in this picture. And good cop/bad cop doesn't work if you announce it right in front of us.
* Lance Brandt shoulders his weapon, "Now, as for you people, what are you lot doing so far south?"
Max: ...That is a valid point, Captain...
Cid: I announced that I was going to shoot that goblin and it didn't help it avoid being shot.
* Meryl Kincaid draws a line in the dirt between her and Jhanei. Wrong person to try and brandish at.
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+9 INTIMIDATE => 13 + 9 = 22
Meryl Kincaid: RHAAAA
* Blaine rolls: 1d20+6 Right back => 5 + 6 = 11
Zorya Whiteshield: Rhaaa?
Lance Brandt: (( hurrr ))
* Zorya Whiteshield rolls: 1d20+3 => 11 + 3 = 14
Celia Dunesend: "Yes, I would like to know what you're all doing here. Would you all happen to be here on a guild job?"
* Jhanei 's screaming is punctuated by breathing fucking fire
Cid: Wonderful. They're a perfect couple.
* Crixsara ssighs
Zorya Whiteshield: "...they do look pretty nice together."
Zorya Whiteshield: "But, yes. Um. We're here looking for a monster."
Max: Do forgive him when he gets like this.
Christina DeMarsey: What does bring you three down here?
Meryl Kincaid: Ah killed somethin' in the fight.
* Lance Brandt shakes his head, "Almost worried I left when I did with lunes like this about."
* Meryl Kincaid holds her arms out in a come-at-me-bro pose
Meryl Kincaid: Yer move.
Jhanei: SO DID I
* Zorya Whiteshield looks up at Max and Jhanei with her great bit adorable eyes.
Meryl Kincaid: AH DID IT BETTER
Celia Dunesend: (( And of course I was lost in the shuffle. ))
Max: Captain, are we at liberty to divulge?
* Lance Brandt spits at the ground, "Bah, if you idiots aren't going to answer I'm not wasting any more time here, I need ta get paid."
Cid: I see no reason why not.
Cid: I am Anathia Cid of Feoria. These two are my underlings, Jhanei and Max.
Fleed: (( please god somebody get that ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( I got nothin ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( Nope ))
Celia Dunesend: (( I probably don't get it. ))
Cid: (( NOPE... ))
Fleed: (( Well, whatever. ♥ ))
Max: We had... heard some concerning rumors, regarding the southern Vahlarandan verge.
Max: The Captain... became insistent.
Christina DeMarsey: What sort of rumors?
Max: A... I think I should say a variety.
Max: Most pressing being the mobilization of the Judges across Vahlaranda, which often signifies a state of emergency.
* Salome perks her ears up at the mention of the Judges.
Zorya Whiteshield: "The judges?"
Lance Brandt: Geh...
Salome: "The Twelve Zodiac Judges of Greymond."
Max: It's not unheard of for one or two of the Zodiac Judges to be abroad, but from what we know, there could be as many as ten across the continent.
Max: If the Judges are personally searching for something, this could be... dire.
Christina DeMarsey: So how did you end up in these caves?
Cid: You can consider this a diplomatic situation, and as a noble I have taken it upon myself to investigate.
Max: Ehm...
* Salome flicks her tail a bit as she turns hear ears a little, wondering what these 3 may know of the book.
Jhanei: Good will an' bustin' heads.
* Zorya Whiteshield tilts her head. "I think I've heard of them before. What could they be looking for?"
Max: I might surmise that if you're here, you may have heard of the behemoth as well.
Celia Dunesend: "Indeed we have."
Meryl Kincaid: Yup. Came t'kill it.
Christina DeMarsey: That's what I'm here for, yes.
* Lance Brandt shakes his head, "And just to kill it, I have no intention of being dragged into matters involving the judges."
Max: We... are trying to find the root of this as well.
Celia Dunesend: "Not sure if it actually is a behemoth or not, but it sounds like a fearsome threat all the same."
Zorya Whiteshield: "I've got nowhere else to go... so I'm following them."
Jhanei: ...Cap'n.
Cid: Hm?
Jhanei: Max sayin' too much?
Jhanei: May gotta know who t'punch soon.
Celia Dunesend: "In any case, it sounds as though you are not in competition with us. So why don't the three of you tag along? You can do your investigating while we mop up the trouble going on down here."
Cid: Oh, no, I would have shot him if he went any further.
Max: Oh.
Cid: That sounds like a smart idea. Safety in numbers, and all of you seem vastly more competent than my current entourage.
Meryl Kincaid: HA
Meryl Kincaid: CHOKE ON IT
Zorya Whiteshield: "Um... no?"
Max: Oh, dear.
Zorya Whiteshield: "Please stop shouting, sir." Zorya fixes Jhanei with Cute Stare!
Cid: Stop this now. I will turn this diplomatic envoy around, I swear to science.
Christina DeMarsey: Perhaps the goblin's boss will know more. Let's move.
Max: If I may, you insisted on coming here in the first place.
* Lance Brandt grumbles, the air around him heating up in response to his irritation, way ahead of you."
Cid: Let's just...move on. Now.
Celia Dunesend: "Yes, let's get going."
Max: ...It does strike a thought, however.
Crixsara: Amout time, *kupo*.
Max: ...Hmm.
Jhanei: Le's go.
Salome: "...."
* Lance Brandt ducks his head reflexively as the tunnels open up again.
Fleed: It looks to be where Cid and her companions had circled around from the northern cavern.
Fleed: ...You hear voices.
Fleed: Combatin'-style voices.
Fleed: Or, well, being murdered-style voices.
Celia Dunesend: !?
Lance Brandt: Well that sounds unpleasant
Christina DeMarsey: It sounds like a fight.
Fleed: Mostly goblin grunts, though the occasional shrill screech punctuates these.
Zorya Whiteshield: "We have to go help them."
* Zorya Whiteshield scurries!
Christina DeMarsey: It depends on who it is.
* Salome keeps staying behind Cid.
Cid: (( MAPTOOOOL ))
Meryl Kincaid: Helpin' em die is still helpin'
Celia Dunesend: (( MORE FURRIES AHHH ))
Lance Brandt: (( furu/go might want to be movin-on-up ))
Celia Dunesend: (( Oh they're dead ))
Lance Brandt: Oh goody, giant bugs
Lance Brandt: (( oh hey its that scorpion from Tilus' loot pile ))
Mine Scorpion: sssssss.
Celia Dunesend: (( AHHH ))
Zorya Whiteshield: "O-oh--"
Christina DeMarsey: Well that answers that question.
* Zorya Whiteshield screeches to a halt.
Meryl Kincaid: Welp let's kill it.
Celia Dunesend: (( I thought I threw it away, not into fleedgame ))
Zorya Whiteshield: "Turn around and go the other way?"
Lance Brandt: (( Fleed found it and took it home clearly ))
Mine Scorpion: (( Time for init, unless you feel like breaking for tonight. ))
Celia Dunesend: (( I'd rather break for tonight, personally. ))
Cid: (( I KIND OF NEED TO SLEEP and also map tool is a butt ))
Cid: (( I'm all for picking it up here next week ))
Lance Brandt: (( oh god afro bird ))
Crixsara: (( This is a good place to break. ))
Mine Scorpion: (( Well. Roll init anyway so I can at least add it before we all go. ))
* Franky rolls: 1d20 => 20
* Tilus rolls: 1d20+1 RINK UP => 20 + 1 = 21
Cid: (( HOLY SHIT ))
* Threden rolls: 1d20+1+2 Let's a-go => 20 + 1 + 2 = 23
Lance Brandt: Initiative: « 1d20+2 = 11 + 2 = 13 »
* Zorya Whiteshield rolls: 1d20+2 go go go => 15 + 2 = 17
Meryl Kincaid: (( Still bonusing, and is it +1 or +2? ))
* Mechalomaniac rolls: 1d20+2 INTIATIVE ASSUMING TILUS' THING IS +2 => 4 + 2 = 6
Celia Dunesend: (( Yes bonusing, +2 ))
Crixsara: (( C-c-combo crit ))
* Blaine rolls: 1d20+3 => 9 + 3 = 12
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+6 => 14 + 6 = 20
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+6 => 1 + 6 = 7
Christina DeMarsey: (( err....No mine is one higher ))
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+3 => 3 + 3 = 6
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+3 => 7 + 3 = 10
* Fleed rolls: 1d20+2 => 17 + 2 = 19
Christina DeMarsey: (( Because damn you Tilus ))
Celia Dunesend: (( The +2 is passive to all allies I can see. ))
Lance Brandt: (( so you guys think this is a 'break out the dailies' fight or should I hold Burning Blade for now? ))
* Salome rolls: 1d20+5 Initiative => 20 + 5 = 25
Meryl Kincaid: (( Jard to tell ))
Crixsara: (( There's still teh Behemoth, just to keep in mind. ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( *hard ))
Celia Dunesend: (( That's likely a higher leveled elite. I don't think solos have that few HP. ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( Is it ok if I move up closer for the fight, or am I locked back here? ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( I'm assuming the Behemoth isn't actually in this dungeon since uhh ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( If we kill the behemoth now, Me and Blaine cease having a reason to be in the party ))
Lance Brandt: (( sorry but your behemoth is in another cave ))
Lance Brandt: (( clearly the reason is we get dragged into Feoria's bullshit ))
Meryl Kincaid: (( At any rate this thing is clearly not the boss of the goblins ))
Fleed: Okay that should be it.
Zorya Whiteshield: (( run? :V ))
Lance Brandt: (( eh I think we can take it ))
Fleed: I just saved the campaign too, so~
Cid: (( I'm gonna pull the memory card out ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( YOU FOOL ))
Christina DeMarsey: (( YOU'RE TOO LATE ))
Lance Brandt: (( and then Cid was removed from the game ))
Salome: (( Do I need to save the campaign..? ))
Fleed: No, just me/Mechperson.
Christina DeMarsey: (( No. ))
Lance Brandt: (( no, since you don't run it/the server ))
Salome: (( Ok. ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( Saved mah token. :V))
Christina DeMarsey: (( You can save your token though if you want ))
Fleed: I'll probably have to upload the campaign for him again anyway since I need to add in Furu's specific effects. Thought I already did that.
Fleed: Save tokens, everyone's goin'~
Crixsara: (( Zorya needs a new set of effects, too. ))
Celia Dunesend: (( There are a couple Celia effects too ))
Zorya Whiteshield: (( I do? ))
Lance Brandt: (( your old set was drood stuff ))